Organic & Fair Trade Peruvian Green Coffee

Roast your own for maximum health Benefits!

Coffee is the greatest source of antioxidants in the American diet.3,4 And the good news is that sound scientific studies have found that the common fears about excess coffee consumption are invalid, and higher intake means bigger benefits.
  • An impressive number of studies have shown a strong association between higher consumption of coffee and a significantly reduced risk of most chronic diseases, including diabetes, cardiovascular disease, cancer, Alzheimer's disease, and others.
  • With over 1,000 phytochemicals, coffee's unparalleled antioxidant punch no doubt plays a role in its protection against disease. But a multitude of direct biological actions on the body are suspected, such as an improvement in intracellular signaling,95,96 which may help prevent cancer, diabetes and more.
  • Drinking just one cup of coffee a day - caffeinated or decaffeinated - can decrease the risk of developing diabetes by 13%.24 But at 12 cups a day, the risk of getting diabetes is slashed by 67%.21
  • Far from being a risky habit, coffee has now been shown to provide powerful protection against an epidemic of diabetes and a rising tide of other age-related diseases. It's an all-natural and inexpensive elixir - to go!

Coffee goes stale (rancid, actually) within 5 days of being roasted, and there is no way of keeping it fresh. Rancid coffee becomes carcinogenic. Conversely, fresh-roasted coffee contains 2 times the anti-oxidants of green tea, and tastes better.


Superior flavor
Freshly roasted coffee is the only coffee that contains true coffee flavor at its absolute best, naturally sweet and lively. The distinct flavor profiles of certain beans (e.g. citrus, cherry, tobacco) have a much stronger presence and are easier to pick out in a truly fresh cup of coffee.

Enhanced aroma.
A coffee’s aroma is an important characteristic that adds to the fullness of the entire experience. Inhale a handful of fresh-roasted beans and you’ll know what coffee is supposed to smell like. The pleasantly intense aroma of fresh-roasted coffee is therapeutic, awakening the senses and triggering endorphins.

Health benefits
Fresh-roasted coffee is loaded with nutrients and antioxidants, which have been known to benefit our overall health by boosting immune systems.

Unique quality
Since the vast majority of coffee sold is “aged”; the fresh alternative is artfully prepared in small batches by a skilled roaster. This gives the coffee a unique quality and consistency that is far from widely available.