• The largest action figure AT-AT ever made. AT-AT Driver and launching speeder bike included
  • Seating for tons of figures. Includes one (1) figure, others sold separately
  • Measuring over 2-feet tall and over 2-feet long, this huge AT-AT is sure to be the must-have Star Wars toy this season
  • Modeled after the Imperial Walkers from Return of the Jedi, the head of the vehicle alone can carry tons of figures
  • The multi-level body has room for even more troopers, plus the articulated legs, firing cannons, and other surprising
  • features are going to blow away the Rebel forces on Endor

Product description

Scaled to interact with 3 " figures, the Star Wars 2010 Super Deluxe AT-AT Walker measures approximately 24" tall x 28" long x 12" wide, is designed to carry a total of 20 figures, 6 of which can be used as crew for the AT-AT™s head cockpit; the Super Deluxe AT-AT is accompanied by a 3 " AT-AT Driver and a deployable Speeder Bike. Bearing dimensions sufficient to crush all opposition and thoroughly terrorize all enemies of the Empire, the quadrupedal AT-AT stands 22.5 meters tall. Crewed by a pilot, gunner/copilot, deck officers and a commander, the AT-AT is capable of housing forty or more troops, and as many as five Speeder Bikes and two AT-ST vehicles. Powered by an FW62 compact fusion drive system, the AT-AT is equipped with an MS-1 fire-linked heavy laser cannon, medium repeating blasters, and Durasteel footpads. During the Empire™s assault on the Rebel Alliance™s Echo Base on Hoth, lumbering AT-AT Walkers, pitted against the Alliance™s Snowspeeders, comprised a large portion of the Imperial occupation. Later, Walkers were used to patrol the Empire™s holdings, in conjunction with Death Star II™s shield generator, on the moon of Endor.