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All serious offers considered

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Let me introduce you to 'Maisy' the Merc. She' s only lived with me for about 6 months but in this time she's transformed herself from a Plain Jane panel van into a nice bit of eye candy that you'd be happy for your mates to see you with! So, what did she do to turn herself around? She didn't subscribe to any fad diet, or sign up to a cheap makeover that plasters on the glam just to look good for the photos... instead she placed her trust in someone who wanted to transform her from within and let her inner beauty shine through...

OK, that 's enough of the Barbara Cartland / Mills & Boon novel. Let's take a look at the van...

I bought her in December 2010 from a firm selling electric wheelchairs (first owner from new) who had her on a main dealer servicing scheme. I took her with a view to converting her into a surf bus, and that's exactly what I did.

Unfortunately, my long term plans fell foul of a lack of foresight... my intention was to to have her ready for the summer as I'm moving to Cyprus. She would have been the perfect mobile hideaway as I escaped from the wife and kids and went kitesurfing around the island. However, just as I neared completion of the project I started making enquiries about shipping her overseas and registering her in Cyprus.

This is where it all started to unravel as the Cypriot Highway Robberies Agency (alternatively known at the Dept of Transport) informed me that I wouldn't get much change from £2500 just to register her and get her through customs! Added to this is the cost of shipping (potentially another £1000) and I had a mental image of me burning £20 notes and throwing them down the drain! Now, as a tight ar$ed Yorkshireman, this was too much to bear. So, here she is, very reluctantly up for sale!

The first thing I did when I bought her was bang her through a service, give her some nice new tyres to sit on her S-Class alloys and a brand new stainless exhaust. Then I turned my attention inside and fully insulated the rear using space blanket with a built-in vapour barrier. The walls, ceiling and floor were all insulated to increase thermal efficiency and reduce road noise. Next she was plylined and carpeted in a deep blue to give a nice cosy feeling. A non-slip vinyl floor was added for ease of cleaning and making the van more practicle.

Next came the furniture. A wardrobe and kitchen unit complete with Smev 9222 cooker/sink combi were fitted along with an MOT compliant rock'n'roll bed complete with 2 inertia reel 3-point seat belts.

The internal lighting was connected to a 110Ah leisure battery (fitted with voltage sensing relay to ensure the battery gets a good top-up as you're driving), and a 16inch flip down screen fitted to the ceiling to keep the kids entertained on those long journeys to the beach. The screen is connected to the dash-mounted flip-out DVD player so you can control what is being watched from the front seats. A credit card remote control means you can control the player from the comfort of your bed too.

Add some cab divider curtains, a skim board table with patented low profile floor mount (much nicer than drilling a big hole in the floor of the van), and the must-have rear view camera and she was almost finished. Finally, some super sexy limo tint windows were fitted along with a leather bonnet bra, and the unique, custom designed graphics were applied to the outside. All in all, she looks as cool as a penguin's pink bits!

I did have a pair of roof bars, ideal for transporting a surfboard or tying unruly kids to, but it spoilt the clean lines of the van so it was removed and stored. These will be included with the sale.

Mechanically she's sound. She starts first time, every time with none of the black belchy smoke clouds that would suggest she smokes 60 a day. She's pretty reasonable to take out too... being a diesel drinker she gives 37-40mpg. It costs about £100 to fill her to the gills (it used to be £90ish but our friend the Chancellor thought that was far too cheap) and she'll return 600 miles on a run. I tend to cruise about 50- 60mph and find that getting to my destination is a lot more chillaxed and not too much time lost. There are no rust spots or patches (apart from a rust speckled passenger door mirror glass - I didn't know glass could rust)! The odd stone chip I have encountered have been touched up as soon as I see them to keep her looking good and preventing rust. That said, she isn't brand new so there is the odd light surface scratch here and there consummate with age.

She is still registered as a van at the moment. I have the photos and paperwork ready to send off to DVLA to get her reclassified as a camper, I've just avoided this at it is potentially cheaper to register in Cyprus as a commercial vehicle. This is my backup plan if she doesn't sell on here. Apart from that, all I need to do is finish off the plumbing (an afternoon's work for me) and she's good to go.

To summarise, here's what you get for your hard earned pennies:

* 2006 (55 Plate Vito) in metallic silver.
* 16inch SLK alloys with load rated tyres (having covered approx 3000 miles)
* Electric windows, traction control, 6 speed box, aircon, and chain driven so no fear of cambelt snapping.
* RipSpeed flip out DVD player in the dash with 16" monitor in the rear. (Original Vito CD player will be thrown in with the van too).
* Fully insulated and carpeted rear compartment with cupboards, Smev sink/burner combi, rock'n'roll bed (extends to 6ft) and table.
* LED lighting and spotlights.
* 110Ah leisure battery.
* Rear view camera with night vision.
* Stainless exhaust.
* Genuine MB roof bars (removed but easily fitted if required).
* Tow bar with electrics.
* Long tax and MOT (til end of 2011).
* Custom designed surf graphics (can be easily removed with a hair dryer if requiired).
* Leather Vito bonnet bra.

Please make no mistake - this isn't a van that I bought to sell for a quick profit. I bought this with the intention of keeping her for many years. With this in mind I didn't necessarily go for the ready made solutions as I believe that many conversion companies go for the cheapest option that turns a quick profit, but any problems don't manifest for a few years (like rusting from the inside because they cut corners on vapour barriers and insulation). I've been putting off listing her on Ebay for a few weeks as I'm very reluctant to let her go! However, if she sells I'll probably start another project whilst abroad. If she doesn't sell I'll either put her in storage in the UK until I return, or I'll bite the bullet and export her.

That's enough of me rambling on like a sentimental and somewhat senile old codger.
It's over to you to either flick on by to the next Vito (which will undoubtedly be a lot less sexier than Maisy), or drop me a line to make me a sensible offer. Alternatively, you can pay massively over the odds and get a lot less for your money by buying a T4 or T5 with more miles on the clock, older registration date and less creature comforts.

As a guide, she's had an insurance valuation of £10,500 which I thought was a bit on the cheap side considering the amount of money that's gone into her - just for materials alone! However, I just want to recoup the majority of my expenses (the blood, sweat and tears you can have for free) before I go. Please don't hesitate to ask if there's anything you want to know (but not about where Elvis, Robert Maxwell or Shergar are - I don't know). Any questions about the van, however, I will endeavour to answer. I'm on holiday 19-27 Jun so won't be able to arrange test drives or viewing during this time. I will still be able to access t'nterweb though so feel free to send any questions via Ebay or my email address: jmfield100@gmail.com

Now that you've gotten this far, you've either lost the will to live or you've decided to end your marriage/long-term relationship and skip away into the sunset with Maisy... cue soft focus, slow motion and romantic music... dee de darr dum darrrrrrrrr......



Now the boring bit... please please PLEASE don't waste your time or mine by stating an intention to buy and then not fulfilling the transaction. If you make an offer and it is accepted, please ensure that you have the means and the intention to pay. Please don't offer the world and expect to knock a few hundred quid off here and there - I'm not desperate to sell and won't be haggled to the nth degree. However, if you are serious then please come to view the van before making an offer based on what you see. That way there are no surprises or reasons to shave a bit of the price off. It costs money to list on Ebay and I've already mentioned I'm a tight arsed Yorkshireman... Many thanks.
