Available: "Microwaved Samsung Galaxy S3", Original artwork, sign & dated by the Artist made by your professional microwave operator at dOvetastic Microwave Theater.
It's the world's only Microwaved 
Samsung Galaxy S3 you cannot live without.
10" by 9" by 7" Sign & Dated "Kenny Irwin 2012 dOvetastic Microwave Theater early on release day. This a REAL authentic Microwaved Samsung Galaxy S3 white version that was microwaved while turned on for your viewing pleasure inside a giant five ton microwaving robot and as an added bonus I am including a very heavy denture skull full of used dentures you will cherish, enjoy and admire for generations to come and it's perfect for any home or office enviroment.

Winner bidder will receive one NO LONGER WORKING 
Microwaved Samsung Galaxy S3 because it HAS BEEN MICROWAVED. Also included is the original factory box, acsessories & Denture Skull & Power Cord. 

We are the first & original microwave entertainment show on the web & Youtube! Microwaving Episode #646. Low price for a great artwork. Goodluck bidding!