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Braided BLACK SILK cord necklace for 1 Thai Buddha Amulet / Pendant.

26 inches long.

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 Stainless Steel fittings to hold 1 Thai Buddha Amulet / Pendant.

26 inches long.

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Black silk braided cord.

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Stainless Steel fittings to hold 1 Thai Buddha Amulet / Pendant.

Amulets are immensely popular among many Thai locals or even the Chinese that live in South East Asia -  most followers never have the chance to worship their religion and hopefully with the little sacred image that we are allowed to wear on our body, it will provide some form of sacred relief.

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GOOD FORTUNE:  comes about when the energies of your body and mind click together. This is not just about the creation of wealth: good fortune is the experience when you know deep inside you that everything is right with the world. It is when you and the divine enjoy each others company. Good fortune is a natural state of mind that is part of who you are. It is inside you, just wanting to be released. Start by asking for it. Be humble and receive. If you seek good fortune unskilfully- in other words, selfishly- you will create obstructions. Good fortune never ever comes in a way that you expect it, so open your heart for a happy suprise. You keep your good fortune by sharing it and learning from it, not by showing it off. Use your good fortune by showing other people how to access it, based on your own experience.

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Whatever your circumstances, your immediate surroundings contain boundless positive energy. According to ancient Tibetan medicine, matter is slow-moving energy, and your consciousness can make any matter relax, open and become pliable. You can make it speed up or slow down. The energy in your surroundings is like a golden cup covered with grime, which your mind can clean so that it shines with love and positivity. The Tibetans believe that the material world, the universe and the mind go through cycles of rejuvenation. By working with the cycles, you unlock within yourself the basis of rejuvenation. You can use your body's inner cycle.



Thai Buddha Sacred Amulets are usually worn on a chain or a cord. Most Buddhists believe that by wearing an image of Buddha or a Thai Monk (Luang Phor) it will give them protection and great luck. Most Thai Buddhists will never leave home without their sacred amulet. The sacred amulet will dispel any evil, it will protect you from disease, misfortune and accidents and guard you on you way. These sacred Buddha amulets will help you to gain huge wealth, success in your every way in your work or your total life. These sacred blessed and empowered amulets can vary in size and in price. The price varies from a few pounds (dollars) to a huge amount of money. This depends on who made the amulet and the rarity. Due to the huge demand for these sacred amulets there are many fakes around and you must be very careful not to be misled. We have in our eBay shop REAL AMULETS (not fakes) that are not expensive as many were released. These are not copies or mass produced fakes but they have been produced for the majority of people who want and need a real amulet at a reasonable price.  There are many competitions for these sacred amulets and there are many collectors thought the world. In the competitions the sacred amulets are examined under magnifying glasses and sometimes x-ray machines are used to determine if the amulets are genuine! Thai Buddha Sacred Amulets are often given as gifts to family, friends and business colleagues as the people who wear these sacred blessed amulets have many good tales to tell of how the amulet protected them or gave them good luck. Thai Buddha amulets are very valuable (I do not mean money) and can be worth a great deal of money (I now mean money).

As ALL GENUINE THAI BUDDHA SACRED AMULETS have been blessed before they have been released from the temples of their maker there is no need to bless them again as the PURE SPIRITUAL POWER that has been embedded inside the amulet will remain for ever. There are HUGE amount of fake amulets around that are produced by factories and are not real and have never seen a Temple - Shrine or a Monastery and these are exported around the world.

All of our amulets are REAL and have been produced, blessed and empowered by Buddhist monks in Buddhist temples.  Some are expensive as they are rare, most do not cost a great deal of money but are as Special and Sacred as the others. None of the amulets on this site are mass produced fakes !!!!!!!!!!!!!

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For centuries many Thai Buddhists have believed that by carrying a Blessed Thai Amulet with Buddha images, Luang Phor (Thai Buddhist Monks) or Gods you will be given good luck, and protection. Thai Blessed amulets will guard you from danger, will dispel evil and negative bad and dangerous energy, and protect you from disease. It is believed that a blessed Thai Buddhist amulet will help you to gain great wealth and will guard you and give you success while you are at home, at work, or travelling. Thai amulets can be cast from metal or carved from a piece of wood, ivory, bone, or made from a special magical powder that contains hundreds of different special and secret ingredients that are then pressed into a mould and then baked. After this is done the amulets are blessed by monks in order to give the wearer the sacred spiritual power of protection.



 The items on this Spiritual-Sky eBay site, call  you to go back, far back in time to when you were a child. In those days you thought that nothing at all was impossible, you could do anything and everything. In those days long ago your spirit had not been reduced by negativity you believed in pure and special magical powers and your mind was open to receive and discover and to understand the mysteries of life.


 These Sacred Blessed and Empowered items have PURE POSITIVE SACRED POWER and can and will be attuned to you. Do you remember long ago that you had the ability of second sight, and other special abilities. You might never have revealed this to anyone as you felt slightly afraid and were not sure in yourself. Years later life takes its toll and you now think that these special abilities that you had years ago are now gone.  These abilities NEVER GO, you still have the same abilities but you now have to clear a path to open your mind and be able to go back to your childhood and let your mind open up. When you work with our Sacred Blessed items you will soon realise that these are SACRED SPECIAL TOOLS and will work for you in many different ways. They will open up a PURE POWER FLOW FOR YOU, and enable PURE POSITIVE ENERGY to enter your divine spirit.


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Our sacred, rare, empowered and blessed items are being made available for the benefit of practitioners, like you, who would like to have holy objects as devotional support to your practice. It is contrary to our vows to engage in the business of selling holy objects for profit. Therefore we do not provide these objects in an ordinary way, thinking of them as goods to be bought and sold. Rather, we are making them available with the express wish to benefit others. All funds in excess of our costs help us to continue our activities.

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