Placebo by Howard Pittman (Paperback)

Publisher: Philadelphian Church

56 pages

On August 3, 1979, Howard Pittman, a Baptist minister, suffered physical death as the result of a massive internal hemorrhage. His spirit was lifted from his body by guardian angels who led him through the Second Heaven, where he was shown the secrets of Satan’s dominion. He appeared before our Lord in the Third Heaven where he pleaded for an extension of his physical life. There God showed him what kind of life of worship and service he had really led, and Howard Pittman was graciously transformed from a Laodicean-type Christian to a Philadelphian-type Christian. (See Revelation chapter 3) He was miraculously healed and sent back to this world with a five-point message from Heaven – The Greatest News Since Pentecost!

Reviews for Placebo

"9/22/13 I came across a book and ordered it about a week ago. Last night when I went to bed I decided to start reading it. Well….I ended up reading the whole thing. I could not stop until I reached the last page. I was reading things that God has been showing me lately. Bible verses that have been popping up often and were being placed deep in my heart. Thoughts that were confirmed by things I read in this book. Wow….I so love when God shows me things, brings things and people into my life, and teaches me new and wonderful things. I was so blessed to find and read this book. It confirmed some things for me and taught me some new things."

"At first glance Placebo looks like a strange little book by a country preacher. To those who have eyes to see and ears to hear it is a message from heaven. It introduces no new doctrines; it confirms and clarifies “what the Spirit sayeth to the churches.” This testimony revolutionized my worldview when I first read it in 1992. Subsequent world events bear out the authenticity of this testimony, as we see the Warrior Demon goading governments into the madness of war and the Demon of Greed leads bankers and political leaders in a Gadarene stampede toward economic ruin. Brother Pittman’s message has also been confirmed by the recently published Equinox Prophecies. And though the Laodicean church continues its sleepwalk into darkness, the Awakening has already begun. I believe that soon we will see the muster of the Lord’s Army.

Everyone I know who has read Placebo has been impacted by it. If you read it yourself, you will be glad you did!"

"I have read countless books, Christian and otherwise. This simple, short, downhome book is one at the top in my opinion. It tells the story of Howard Pittman's near death (actually he was legally declared dead, I believe) experience. He was taken on a little spirit realm tour and was shocked to see demons stalking and sometimes taking possession of people. One of the things that makes this book so credible, as well as fascinating, is the depiction of Pittman before the Throne of YHWH. Here he, who considered himself to be a pretty good Christian, is shown to be just the opposite and taken out by angels like a wet rag after a good verbal thrashing and some words of comfort. I don't think most people would even like to tell such a story on themselves.  You may not see the world, or yourself, the same ways afterwards."

"This book is a definite must read. If you are sincere about living right before God, this book will cause you to self-examine your spiritual walk and seek the face of God even the more!"

"Howard's testimony and message is such a privilege for the genuine believer to hear and appreciate, and then of course, apply it to our own lives. So many of us are taught and trained all wrong in the church (if at all), and we are not properly taught or trained to examine ourselves in the light of God (his mirror) to see if we are living a life worthy of praise and honor all for the glory of God. So many people, those whom we consider good christians even, are walking around thinking that their "good works" are glorifying God, when, like Howard, was awakened to the fact that our works are an "abomination" to him--like a dirty menstruation rag. Saints, we need to hear and pay attention to more testimonies and stories like Howard's. Remember, the Lord rebukes and disciplines those whom he loves and accepts as sons and daughters. I'd rather be chastised now in this life and work to get it right, then just as Howard was, chastised and rebuked in front of the throne and very being of Almighty God humiliated and crushed. None of us are as good as we would like to think we are. For everyone who exalts himself, he will be humbled. But those who will humble themselves, they will be exalted. I recommend this book to anyone who is serious about trying to live right for the Lord and do right according to him. It's a quick read with not a dull moment. If you let it, it will influence your life for the better. As iron sharpens iron, so we sharpen one another."