The golden amber colour and the distinctive aroma of cloudberries have earned this plant the prestige of ‘Gold of the Northern Bogs’ and it is one of the most valued wild berries in Nordic cuisine.


The cloudberry grows to 10–25 cm high. Cloudberries can withstand cold temperatures down to well below -40°C, but they are sensitive to salt and to dry conditions. The plants grow in bogs, marshes and wet meadows and require sunny exposures in acidic ground (between 3.5 and 5 pH).


The ripe fruits are golden-yellow, soft and juicy, and are rich in vitamin C. They are often made into jams, juices, tarts, and liqueurs.


Normally, cloudberries are dioecious, and fruit production by a female plant requires pollination from a male plant. There exist however hermaphrodite clones that are self-pollinating.


I'm offering 7 fresh seeds for sale of this rare berry. The seeds come frome a self-pollinating clone.