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PHURBA 'Ritual Dagger'


The Phurba is a Tibetan three sided ritual Dagger, it is a central tool for all shamanic rituals - so central, that its use is rarely specified but simply presumed. The phurba is used in Buddhist ceremonies to exorcise demons or as a spiritual nail to pin down the distractions of greed, desire and envy. The sides of the Phurba destroy the three poisons: attachment, aversion and delusion. The magic of the phurba comes from the effect that the material object has on the realm of the spirit. The art of tantric magicians or lamas lies in their visionary ability to comprehend the spiritual energy of the material object and to willfully focus it in a determined direction.



The phurba is used as a means of destroying violence, hatred, and aggression by tying them to the blade of the phurba and then vanquishing them with its tip. The phurba (Ritual Dagger) is used in the ritual slaying of negative emotions, such as anger. The phurba possesses many magical powers. It is also regarded as a powerful weapon which subdues evil spirits and negative energies, transforming them into positive forces. The phurba is not a physical weapon, but a spiritual implement.

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In Tibetan Dorje means “Indestructible” or something that cannot be cut or broken. The Dorje has an indestructible hardness and brilliance like a diamond which cannot be cut or broken. The Dorje symbolizes the impenetrable, immovable, immutable, indivisible, and indestructible state of enlightenment or Buddhahood and the word means both ‘thunderbolt’ and ‘diamond’. As a material device the Dorje is a short metal weapon that has the symbolic nature of a diamond as it can cut anything but not itself and that of the thunderbolt which has irresistible force. The Dorje represents the firmness of spirit and great spiritual power. The Dorje is held in the right hand by Tibetan Lamas during religious ceremonies and is used by shaman during shamanic rituals. The Dorje will destroy all kinds of ignorance and is totally indestructible.


Spiritual-Sky is releasing these special sacred and empowered items to the world. The reason for the release of these items is that the Earth as we know it is now a dark and dangerous place and we would like spiritual and sacred people to be part of the new awakening. There are very few people in the world who can feel and sense and need this sacred and special power.



The Phurba bears many abilities;

  • Phurba - Ritual Dagger is used to drive away evil spirits or negativity.
  • Phurba has a huge amount of energy causes a huge amount of damage and double damage to evil spirits.
  • Phurba is capable of moving under its own power by flying about and is quite fast and capable of lifting a man off the ground (When attempting to resist the Phurba by strength, the Phurba has the strength of four people.)
  • The faces on either side of the pommel can animate and bite anyone gripping the handle.
  • Phurba can unerringly track any being whose blood it has already tasted.
  • Anyone killed by a Phurba, has his psychic linkages severed and is thrust into oblivion.
  • Victims of the Phurba never return as ghosts.

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This hand made turquoise and coral phurba / dorje has a HUGE amount of power inside and when you hold it you will feel a sacred power like you have never felt in your life. There are very few people in the world who can feel and sense and need this sacred and special power. 



In Sanskrit a phurba Dagger called the kilaya or the kila and in Tibetan it is called the phurba or phurba. The phurba is also called 'the magic dagger'. 'Phur' is translated from the Sanskrit 'kila' and it means peg or nail. Padmasambhava is widely assumed to have invented the phurba. Padmasambhava used the phurba to consecrate the ground when he established the Samye Monastery in the 8th century. The phurba is a three-sided stake that is used in Buddhist rituals. Because Tibet has always been a nomadic culture, the tent is an important part of Tibetan lives, and placing the tent pegs into the ground is always seen as sacrificing the ground. The shape of the phurba may have come from the stake used to hold down tents. 

The three-sided style of the phurba comes from an ancient Vedic tool used to pin down sacrifices. The phurba has three segments on its blade. The three segments represent the power of the phurba to transform negative energies. These energies are known as the 'three poisons,' and are attachment, ignorance, and aversion. The three sides of the phurba also represent the three spirit worlds, and the phurba itself represents the axis of the three spirit worlds. The phurba brings the three spirit worlds together. The handle of the phurba represents 'wisdom', while the blade represents 'method'.

The phurba is often stabbed down into a bowl of rice or other grains in Tibetan rituals. Phurba’s can be made from wood, bone, or metals such as copper and brass. If more than one metal is used to make a phurba, it is done in a combination of three or nine metals, which are both meaningful combinations numerically.

There are always carvings at the top of phurba’s. Some popular images are skull heads or Buddha heads. Sometimes the Buddha heads come in threes to mirror the blade, so that each way the blade is turned, there is always a Buddha's head facing you. 

The phurba symbolizes stability, and it is often used during ceremonies. The phurba is often used by Tantric practitioners. The phurba can also hold demons in place. Only those who are empowered to use the phurba may use it in these rituals. The phurba can be used to tether negative energies during ceremonies, or as a stabilizer. The blade on a phurba is never sharp, it is only used as a ritual dagger, not an actual weapon.

Phurba’s are only to be used ritualistically by Shamans or those who have been taught how to properly do so. To use the phurba, practitioners first meditate then stab the phurba into the ground, or into a bowl of rice or grain, and imagine that the evil spirits or negative energies are underneath the blade. Phurba’s are often used as decoration in homes and temples, and many use phurba’s as part of their meditation practice.

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Hand created from bronze, coral and turquoise.

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Buddhist Monk looking at Bagan Temples, Bagan,  Myanmar (Burma).

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Hayagriva or Hayagreeva is considered an incarnation of Lord Vishnu, worshiped as the God of knowledge and wisdom, with a human body and a horse's head. 

Hayagriva is a wrathful manifestation of Avalokiteshvara, with 108 forms.

His special ability is to cure diseases, especially skin diseases even as serious as leprosy, which is said to be caused by the Nagas (water spirits with serpent bodies). 

It is said that Tibetan horse-dealers worshipped Hayagriva because he could frighten away demons by neighing like a horse. When invoked he announces his coming by neighing, the sound of which pierces false appearances and disguise.

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The Dorje Drak "Varja Rock" Monastery in Tibet

The Dorje Drak which means Varja or indestructible rock monastery is one of the six great seats or ‘mother’ monasteries of the Nyingma lineage. This monastery was better known as the seat of the Northern Treasure (jang-Ter) tradition. This monastery was completely destroyed in the Chinese invasion and has been restored. There are now about 100 monks performing studies and retreat at the monastery.


Inside the Dorje Drak Monastery


A Tibetan child and his father near the Monastery.

GOOD FORTUNE:  comes about when the energies of your body and mind click together. This is not just about the creation of wealth: good fortune is the experience when you know deep inside you that everything is right with the world. It is when you and the divine enjoy each others company. Good fortune is a natural state of mind that is part of who you are. It is inside you, just wanting to be released. Start by asking for it. Be humble and receive. If you seek good fortune unskillful- in other words, selfishly- you will create obstructions. Good fortune never ever comes in a way that you expect it, so open your heart for a happy surprise. You keep your good fortune by sharing it and learning from it, not by showing it off. Use your good fortune by showing other people how to access it, based on your own experience.


Our Sacred Blessed and Empowered items have PURE POSITIVE SACRED POWER and they can and will be attuned to you. Do you remember long ago that you had the ability of second sight, and other special abilities. You might never have revealed this to anyone as you felt slightly afraid and were not sure in yourself. Years later life takes its toll and you now think that these special abilities that you had years ago are now gone.  These abilities NEVER GO, you still have the same abilities but you now have to clear a path to open your mind and be able to go back to your childhood and let your mind open up. When you work with our Sacred Blessed items you will soon realise that these are SACRED SPECIAL TOOLS and will work for you in many different ways. They will open up a PURE POWER FLOW FOR YOU, and enable PURE POSITIVE ENERGY to enter your divine spirit.

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In the cycle of life there is an appropriate time for all things to happen.

Shamanism is humanity's oldest form of relationship to the spirit world. As such, it is the underpinning beneath all religion. But shamanism is not a religion. It is a complex set of practices, beliefs, values and behaviors that enable the practitioner to elicit a shift from ordinary consciousness into a trance state with a specific goal in mind, such as for healing, obtaining information, power, vision, divination, contacting the spirit of the deceased, soul retrieval or guidance for right action. Shamanic work is done with the aid of a helping ally of some sorts that the shaman has befriended. They work together as a cooperative team, with the ally being an intermediary between different levels of reality and the shaman, an engineer of altering states of consciousness.

Shamans throughout the world and throughout time, recognize that the universe is alive, conscious, and filled with spiritual power. Shamans know how to access this web of power and work with it skillfully and effectively to address their, and their community's needs. Shamanism is the use of shamanic practices within a shamanic value system. Traditionally a shaman goes through the experience of a "calling", usually through illness, accident or some unusual quality of being, then through an arduous apprenticeship of teaching, training and testing, followed by some sort of passage rite into their new status. Typically shaman do not define themselves as such. Instead they are defined by their community based on what it is that they do. Becoming a shaman and living as a shaman is a difficult and demanding life path that many indigenous people shy away from because of its formidable requirements. It is not about fun and glamor. Unskillful and uneducated acts can cause harm, or even be life-threatening, to the practitioner as well as to others. For shamanism deals with power, and power can move in many different ways, like electricity. It is important to move slowly with respect, humility and care.

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Our sacred, rare, empowered and blessed items are being made available for the benefit of practitioners, like you, who would like to have holy objects as devotional support to your practice. It is contrary to our vows to engage in the business of selling holy objects for profit. Therefore we do not provide these objects in an ordinary way, thinking of them as goods to be bought and sold. Rather, we are making them available with the express wish to benefit others. All funds in excess of our costs help us to continue our activities.

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