Wonder Core II


  • Work your core like never before with the brand new Wonder Core II. Unlike some ab machines in the gym that work through a limited range of motion, Wonder Core can go beyond 180° with an extended range of motion to target your core.
  • With regular crunches most of the effort is focused on the way up, but with Wonder Core's incredible dual resistance design, your muscles are firing throughout the entire range of motion; with the reverse crunch against resistance as you lie back and a regular crunch as you come up.
  • Built in twisting seat so you can target your obliques, then tighten your waistline by adding a tuck to work the lower abs, or do a lower ab press to really tone that stomach.
  • Wonder Core II features an improved ergonomic back design with all new upper body features such as the resistance bands; so now you can do a variety of upper body workouts including chest exercise, back exercise, biceps, triceps and more giving you a total body workout.
  • Use it in any room in your house, while watching TV! It doesn't take up space and when you're done it folds away for easy storage!

Work your core like never before with the brand new Wonder Core II. Unlike some ab machines in the gym that work through a limited range of motion, Wonder Core can go beyond 180 ? with an extended range of motion to target your core. With regular crunches most of the effort is focused on the way up, but with Wonder Core's incredible dual resistance design, your muscles are firing throughout the entire range of motion; with the reverse crunch against resistance as you lie back and a regular crunch as you come up. Built in twisting seat so you can target your obliques, then tighten your waistline by adding a tuck to work the lower abs, or do a lower ab press to really tone that stomach. Wonder Core II features an improved ergonomic back design with all new upper body features such as the resistance bands; so now you can do a variety of upper body workouts including chest exercise, back exercise, biceps, triceps and more giving you a total body workout. The exclusive rowing system allows you to engage your cardio training while you get a tightened and toned mid-section. Wonder Core is built to last with durable, gym quality steel construction. Use it in any room in your house, while watching TV! It doesn't take up space and when you're done it folds away for easy storage! 8. 6- n-1 machine: Crunches Reverse Crunches Twists Ab Tucks Ab Press Stretch 9. Focus on: Body Sculpting & Cardio Training, Upper Body Workouts, including: Chest Exercise, Back Exercise, Biceps, Triceps, Testimonials: "I'm a mum with two kids; I have never had abs like this before." Susan "Using the Wonder Core II is definitely a big part of my training. It really gives me a fantastic workout." James Included: Wonder Core Nutrition Guide with 7 day meal plan, Wonder Core II Training & Exercise Guide, BONUS Wonder Core II Workout DVD with an instructional ten minute ab toning guide, plus an incredible cardio workout; everything you need to get started.