Local philanthropist elderly estate piece name available upon request, probably purchased for grandchildren they had quite the collection of vintage Super Soakers hanging up in a huge shop. The original plastic hanging tag is still attached to the trigger handle area so I don't know that it has ever been used, it is in original condition with no damage has been tested works great no leaks, does have light wear to sticker area on one side probably from the way it was stored see pic #10, this is a BEAST it will not disappoint you money back guarantee with FREE PRIORITY SHIPPING!

Manufacturer: Larami Ltd./now Hasbro Inc.
Class: Elastic/Bladder Hose  
Item Number: 9798-0
Copyright/Release Date: 1997
Patents: RE.35412; 5,339,987
Availability: Obsolete - No Longer Made
Weight: 2550.00 , g (90.11 oz.)
Reservoir Volume: 8000.00 mL (266.67 fl.oz.)
Pressure Chamber Volume: 900.00 mL (30 fl.oz.)
Pump Volume: 37 mL (1.23 fl.oz.)

The Super Soaker CPS-3200 is the largest overall water weapon!

The CPS 3200 balances the CPS power with a good complement of water, but adds the additional quick-fill ability via a Q.F.D. to the backpack. The backpack is comprised of a solid plastic shell with two caps. Care is needed when filling the backpack while wearing since overflow water fires upwards out of these caps when the backpack is full (a good way to get water down one's back). Attached to backpack is good strength, one metre long tubing, allowing the user a great deal of freedom of motion with the blaster. At the end of the hose is a self-sealing adapter which fits all QFDs. The adapter locks into the CPS 3200 blaster with a half-twist. Unfortunately, the backpacks and blasters of the Super Soaker CPS 3000 and CPS 3200 are not interchangeable.

The blaster itself has four nozzle settings. They are rated as 5x, 10x, Typhoon and 20x. The 5x, 10x and 20x settings are identical to the Super Soaker CPS 2500 in terms of nozzle size. However, the firing chamber of the CPS 3200 holds significantly more water letting one fire continuously with the 5x setting for nearly 8 seconds. The 5x and 10x settings are best to use when conserving water (as if you need to with an 8 L backpack). The 20x is great for thoroughly soaking one's opponent quickly. The Typhoon setting is an interesting, albeit not that useful, setting. At this setting, the CPS 3200 fires out three roughly 5x streams in a spreading pattern from the nozzle. The shoulder strap and built-on handle make the blaster easy to carry and hold. The firing chamber of the CPS 3200 is housed in clear plastic, allowing one to see the CPS system in action.