
Leewin Child Safety Protector: COOL & FULL OF LOVE 

AVOID PARENTS' WORST NIGHTMARE- Each year thousands of children are taken to the emergency room with injuries sustained from falling against furniture. Our ultra high density furniture corner guards and baby edge guards help prevent that nightmare from taking place in your home. You get protective cushioning for 15 feet of sharp edges and corners - meaning you can rest easy while your toddler satisfies her urge to roam! 

Install Instruction 

1. Clean the furniture corner and allow it to dry completely. 

2. Peel off the backing paper from the adhesive pad, standing at a corner of the paper. 

3. Carefully press the corner cushion into place, making sure there is contact with the furniture on all three surfaces (the top and two sides) with no gaps between the adhesive pad and the surface. 

4. Press and hold firmly for about 20 seconds. The adhesive will reach full strength in about 24 hours. 

Mayeb you want to update it? and how to remove? Look here!!! 

1. Place a warm cloth over the corner and allow adhesive to soften. 

2. Gently peel back the edges of the Caring corner. 

3. Roll away any remaining adhesive, and clean the surface. 

You will find in the package! 

15 ft edge, 8-pack corner guards, 30ft double-sided tape.