This lot offers the wooden collection that box that was used to collect money for the families of sailors lost in the 1893 ship wreck of the HMS Victoria. 358 men were lost in the peacetime disaster.

The Wikipedia page for the HMS Victoria tells the story of battle ship that was doomed from the start. It was launched in 1887 and sunk June 22, 1993 when it collided during naval exercises with another British naval ship, the Camperdown. This event caused a huge media sensation at that time. The public demanded an answer that explained how something like this could have happened. The Wikipedia account has the following quote, "An appeal was launched in London — championed by Agnes Weston of the Royal Sailors' Rest — which raised £50,000 in three weeks (£5 million in modern terms) to help the dependants of sailors who had lost their lives"

This is a handsome, well-made box. It measures 10 by 3.5 by 3.5 inches. It has a slot in the cover in order to receive the donations. The box was made with dove tailed corners. The condition of the wood is excellent without any traces of rot. The box has a lock mechanism, but I do not have the key.