F-117A Stealth Fighter FS2004 Add On

Complete with Manual

Disc in Good condition some surfaces scratches But fully tested and in full working order

Prepare to enter enemy airspace undetected in the amazing Stealth Fighter from Commercial Level Simulations.

The airframe surface has been given a realistic reflective sheen and five liveries are included along with dozens of unique animations that include the bomb doors, radio antennae, engine blow-in doors, refuelling port and landing brake chute.

The F-117A was so secret that it operated for seven years before the public were told it even existed! Now the distinctive silhouette of the Stealth Fighter (it's actually a bomber) has been sighted in the FSX/FS2004 skies and is ready for any covert operations that you need to undertake.

This incredible aircraft can go pretty much where it pleases and fly undetected thanks to its bizarre shape. Known as the Stealth Fighter, it's actually a bomber and has been deployed successfully in many theatres of war ever since the first secret flights in the early 1980s. Now the team at CLS has brought this amazing machine to Flight Simulator and armchair pilots can now join the airborne elite and take the Nighthawk anywhere they want in the FS world.

The F-117A Nighthawk is the world's first operational aircraft designed to exploit low-observable stealth technology. A product of Lockheed's highly classified Skunk Works department the 'Have Blue' program called for an aircraft that could enter enemy airspace without detection by radar. First conceived in 1978, it took to the skies in 1981 (rumour has it over Area 51) and operated under total secrecy until 1988 when its existence was made public.

Detailed features

Liveries included

Animated Features


The panel has been painstakingly researched and is as true a representation as possible.

3D VC panel. Elements including 3D AP assembly (includes Spatial Disorientation button). AP and HUD frame have authentic positioning.

The gauges are self illuminated by using the panel light switch only, including the HUD (2 glass pieces with illuminating HUD projector lenses) with transparent background and bright detail illumination (also with night dimming), and do not rely on a general background light. Cockpit lighting is available. In the 2D view, the CRT gauges can be switched between 'bright' and 'green luminous'. All gauges have high quality graphics and can all be zoomed to improve their reading. Lighting colours (including the blue CRT buttons) are to the current aircraft specification.

Target panel gauge shows 'camera' views in 2D view. In VC view shows FLIR views.

Adjustable Head Latency gauge introduced for VC view. Added head turn switching for taxi speeds.


Engine exhaust shimmer and smoke turn on according to engines speed. Smoke effects can be turned off on the panel.

With the engines off and the parking brake on, ground services

  • Flight Simulator  FS2004