Cubanite. Kendal Crystals

Cubanite. Kendal Crystals

Cubanite. Kendal Crystals

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Cubanite CuFe2S2

Chibougamau, Québec, Canada.

A small specimen with golden crystals of Cubanite on matrix. An opportunity to add a rare mineral to your collection at low cost.

Cubanite is similar chemically to, but much rarer than, Chalcopyrite. It is named after Cuba, the home of its type locality.

28mm x 19mm x 8mm, 6.9gms (1.1in x 0.75in x 0.31in, 0.24oz). All sizes and weights are approximate.
Item no: 7901 LL

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UK Economy: No extra charge

UK First Class: £1.00

UK Express: £5.25

European Union: £1.65 (Airmail)

Rest of World**: £2.15 (Airmail)
(**Some exclusions apply)