Premier  202 Drum Kit  - Late  60's

Comprises 20"  bass drum, 16"  floor  tom (pre-international size),  12" tom (pre-international size)  plus legs and tom post

Thin birch shells with re-rings

Diecast hoops and slot rods with both tom dampers present

Heads - very new condition Remo Ambasadors on the toms with orignal (faded) batter heads, bass has Everplay heads both sides - new Premier logo on display head

Condition is quite amazing really for an approximately 50 year old drum kit, the wrap is nice and tight a few light scratches that are quite hard to see, one wrap dink on the floor tom. Shells are good no extra holes or anything like that, legs and mount all work - bass legs missing foot rubbers. Chrome is also pretty good all round some pitting as you would expect. Floor tom damper pad is a replacement (from a bass tone control felt strip). However all this is  a personal and subjective view,  so please study the pictures to form your own view on condition, quality etc

See my other listings for a matching 2001 wood snare

Viewing welcome - please contact me 07717224609

Will deliver to UK Mainland for quoted price 

I will ship worldwide - International buyers contact me for an accurate shipping cost for your country / postcode BEFORE buying/making an offer - figure you see is PLACEHOLDER only, could be higher more likely will be lower.

Guide prices 
USA - £150
European Union - £65
Israel - £250

Drums will be bubble wrapped and nested in one foam lined, double walled box for shipping