LEGO Model Team 5550 Custom Rally Van

This is a really fun set. The spare tire on top turns steers the truck, rolls really smooth. You can make two different models with the same pieces, the jeep is a little quicker to build. Awesome piece of Lego engineering.

This set is missing 2 pieces, listed below. Some pieces dusty and many are slightly discolored from sunlight.
(1) grey antenna 2569
(1) white bar 2486

One of the license plate stickers is unstuck, the hood sticker is mostly unstuck, the rest are well adhered. One piece is damaged, see picture.

The original box is included. It has some wear on the edges but is in good condition overall and fully intact. The instruction manual is not included. The instructions are available on pdf at If you prefer, I am happy to email them to you.

Check out my other listings for more 1980’s/1990’s vintage Legos!

Thanks and happy building!