1/2 POUND! (~80 loads) - Seedless!
Official USDA Certified Organic Soap Nuts (Soap Berries).
eBay's #1 seller of Soap Nuts / Soap Berries!
100% positive feedback - Over 1000!

Free NaturOli EXTREME 18X
Soap Nuts Liquid Detergent Concentrate
& Non-Toxic, Multi-Purpose, Green Household Cleaner Trial Size.
(Made with USDA Certified Organic Soap Nuts)
- a $5.95 Value - FREE!

NaturOli premium, Sapindus Mukorossi Soap Nut "Pieces".
- From America's largest and most trusted name in soap nuts - NaturOli.

- USDA and Ecocert Certified Organic.
- 100% hand-sorted, SEEDLESS soap nuts.
- Buyer beware! - If it doesn't say "seedless" or "de-seeded", they probably aren't. Seeds DOUBLE the product weight.

- Inspected and packaged in the USA!

Please note: Our FREE DELIVERY is excellent - and very fast! See our feedbacks. Orders ship within 1-2 business day of payment. If you are in the Continental US orders typically arrive within 2-5 business days from shipment.  Orders are shipped from NaturOli's Peoria, Arizona warehouse. Usual service is via Priority Mail or FedEx ground. Please write for an estimated delivery time if outside Continental US or if you have any concern.

NaturOli Soap Nut Pieces offer the absolute lowest price per pound for premium quality, true Sapindus Mukorossi Soap Nuts - anywhere!
Availability of "pieces" may come and go because of their high demand.

Recommended by http://www.soapnuts.pro - the world's leading authority on soap nuts.
A verified SoapNuts.pro PREFERRED seller.

Because they are sorted here in the USA at the NaturOli facility, NaturOli was the first ever that could offer "pieces" as a more economical way to buy soap nuts. They are mostly halves, free of seeds, debris, crumbs and carry NaturOli's money back guarantee. Picture is very representative of quality. See our 800+ positive feedbacks - nearly ALL are about our soap nut "pieces".

e careful about any seller's use of the term "whole", or the absence of "seedless" or "de-seeded" in the product description. It typically means they have unwanted seeds that literally double the product's weight with absolutely no cleaning value.
Seeds for planting are available at very inexpensive prices.

NaturOli Soap Nut "pieces" are a great way to go for all soap nut lovers, first-time users, families with lots of laundry, cloth diaper users, anyone seeking a safer, greener, healthier lifestyle and home - and wants to save a few bucks, too! They are excellent for difficult laundry scenarios (such as very cold and/or very hard-water). The inherently quicker saturation and greater agitation of "pieces" helps to facilitate a quicker release of saponin, the active ingredient. This may even help make your more difficult laundry situations a bit easier for you - interesting, huh? "Pieces" are the absolute ideal for grinding into powder and/or making liquids. So go green - and save some green, too!

• Ideal for anyone with sensitive skin - adults and infants experiencing skin irritations suspected to be caused by commercial detergents and soaps.
• Superb for both High Efficiency (HE) and standard washers - both front and top loaders. They do not leave the typical residual chemicals in your laundry.
• Soap Nuts are the only 100% chemical free, eco-friendly, fragrance free, odor removing, hypoallergenic, biodegradable all-natural laundry detergent.
• Experience fresh, clean and soft like you've never experienced before!

- Start fresh! Begin with a couple hot water loads with old rags to help purge washer of old chemical residue and build up.

- For those with difficult water and washing scenarios: Washing soda, softening salts, and vinegar are excellent inexpensive natural additives to adjust water Ph levels to soften water and increase cleaning power. They are totally safe, natural and readily available.
- You may use standard stain removers, cleaning boosters, bleaches and/or additives if desired. A subsequent wash with soap nuts will reduce any residue remaining from such chemical products.

8-pages of information and instructions plus extra heavy-duty muslin wash bag included.
24/7 online support.

Sets of 3 extra heavy-duty, double-drawstring, muslin wash bags are posted at very reasonable costs. Handy for doing multiple loads at the same time - or just to have extras for yourself or friends and family. Everybody wants to try them! (Note: An old cotton sock or anything similar works fine, too. A loose weave is best for improved water circulation through the soap nuts.)

International Press Release:
NaturOli was recently recognized in the coveted "Green Dot Awards - Celebrating Excellence in Green Products and Services" for their work with Soap Nuts and Saponin. Some of the largest and most innovative companies in the world compete for this prize. The jury reads like a who's-who of the green movement leaders. In the jury's own words,"NaturOli green detergents and cleansers. Use of saponin, which is derived naturally from soap nuts, is possibly the most significant green innovation in history for everyday household cleaning needs."
And further proclaimed,
"Although the Green Dot Awards are worthy onto themselves, they are also a consumer guide to excellence in environmentally-sustainable practices. A business with a Green Dot Award is a business that can be trusted by consumers with stewardship of the environment."

Rated the "BEST Eco-friendly Detergent" by Angele Sionna of Examiner.com

"An easy way to help the planet and your family at the same time is switching to eco-friendly laundry detergents. If you're into cloth diapering, you need to use products that don't leave residue so the diapers perform at their best as well. I did a test washing three identical towels in three of the best eco-friendly detergents on the market. Here's what I found: My favorite are the Soap Nuts by NaturOli. They're eco-friendly by nature. Soap nuts grow on trees. They're 100% natural and very easy to use. An added bonus: They have dozens of other uses as well for other natural cleaning solutions around your house!" - Angele Sionna, international columnist, www.examiner.com

"Soap Nuts are an incredible green/natural product that continues to fascinate me the more I learn. God supplied us with a fruit from His creation that cleans our laundry with no additives! It grows on trees! Just a simple dried fruit placed in a small bag and thrown into your laundry! I am in awe of how He beautifully supplies all we need without any harsh chemicals. Soap Nuts clean effectively without the addition of softeners. 100% natural, chemical-free, fragrance-free, biodegradable and hypoallergenic. Extremely low cost per load! I love how you can convert these soap nuts into a liquid detergent or a powder detergent, or just use as they are whatever method you prefer. Soap nuts are definitely the most natural and frugal laundry detergent option on the market! I have tried two different brands of soap nuts, I cannot even compare the two. NaturOli's are carefully inspected and packaged in the States - a far superior product." - Lindsay Edmonds, Vancouver, Washington, www.passionatehomemaking.com

"Best product quality and customer service I've ever experienced online. Ounce to ounce, pound to pound or however you measure it - the most bang for your buck. This is an amazing, "truly" green company with the most knowledgeable, personable and helpful support staff I've ever encountered." - Lawrence T., Washington, D.C.

"I have a front loading HE washing machine and have tried numerous detergents (both supposedly green and not). Nothing worked all that great imo, but soap nuts have been working fabulously! I'm getting a LOT more loads for the money, too. My laundry has never felt so soft and smelled so totally fresh and clean EVER! In warm and hot washes I just use the wash bag right in with my laundry. In a cold wash I've been making the soap nut tea per your directions and that works great. My machine was also getting a bad moldy odor and it was looking dirty. Since using the soap nuts for a few weeks it smells and looks like new again. I couldn't be any more impressed. The fact that it actually is 100% natural - no chemicals at all! - astounds me. btw, Your customer service people have been incredibly helpful, friendly and have gone above and beyond the call. Given that I've never spent a lot of money THAT IS REALLY SOMETHING! Keep up the great work. Forever your loyal customer!" - Jamie S., Potomac, Maryland

"Highly Recommended! I've been using 18X for two months now and I'm very pleased with the results. After my first load, I emailed with questions ...the soap did not sudse, so I wasn't sure if I was using enough. I received a prompt and informative response, and FYI it's normal to have no suds. NaturOli EXTREME even cleaned a load of very dirty rags and dog towels beautifully. I love the clean scent." - Jayne A., Newburyport, Massachusetts

"I've tried every brand of soap nuts and nearly all major natural detergents out there, and you are totally in a league of your own. Your products totally blow away EVERYTHING!!! Plus your customer service is the best I've ever encountered! Very courteous and extremely knowledgeable. Fabulous! Keep up the great work!" - Cameron S., Anchorage, Alaska

- Be aware of the many varieties being sold. As with all natural products - a Soap Nut is not just a Soap Nut!

Note: The number of loads may vary due to many factors such as water temperature, water hardness, type of washer, type and duration of cycles, etc. The number of loads is estimated based upon 5 loads per 1/2 ounce (approx. 5 whole soap nuts or roughly the equivalent in pieces) per wash bag. Many customers report much higher numbers of loads. HE washers will also typically produce more loads.)
Please be aware that although soap nuts are an amazing natural detergent and remove most typical stains - and do so with incredible benefits over chemical detergents. No detergent can ensure removal of ALL stains. You may still need occasional use of a strong stain remover for VERY tough or ground-in stains. Soap nuts will however break down these harsh chemical stain removers - and will help you rid your laundry of these very potent, and potentially hazardous chemicals.

Soap Nuts are truly amazing gifts from Mother Nature - the ultimate 100% natural laundry detergent and soap. Quite simply, soap nuts are an EXTREMELY effective cleaning agent with absolutely NO chemicals, toxins or artificial perfumes. This pure, natural detergent simply leaves your laundry amazingly clean and wonderfully fresh. Being so gentle and non-toxic, soap nuts are superb for fine, delicate fabrics and silks. Whether you have allergies, or are sensitive to commercial chemicals and fragrances, or just want to do your part for a greener earth, soap nuts are like an absolute dream come true.

NaturOli soap nuts are of only the highest possible grade and effectiveness. NaturOli first uses only soap nuts from the Sapindus Mukorossi tree. They are the most effective and highest valued of the many types around the world. As a major US importer, NaturOli soap nuts come only from northern India and Nepal exporters of the highest integrity. To then ensure you of only optimal quality and utmost results, they are reinspected and hand-sorted and packaged in the US at the Arizona based NaturOli facility. NaturOli is the only supplier that takes these extra measures to assure that your soap nuts are the absolute finest - and most effective - available anywhere.

Just put 4-5 soap nuts (roughly a half-ounce) in the provided biodegradable, 100% heavy-duty, double-stitched, double-drawstring bag - 1 wash bag included - and toss the bag of soap nuts in with your laundry. That's it. Remove the bag after the rinse cycle. The soap nuts can be reused 3 to 5 times, and the bag can be reused over and over until it wears out. The spent nuts are 100% biodegradable and can be discarded in the manner of your choice - totally green and eco-friendly!

Soap Nuts are actually the dried pulp and skin from the Soapberry (or Soap Berry Nut). The botanical name is derived from the Latin sapo (soap) and (Indian) indicus, referring to the lather-producing fruit. Soap Nuts are actually the fruit harvested from a soap nut tree (much like olives). There are two primary soap nut tree species (Mukorossi and Trifoliatus). Soap nuts release saponin.
Saponin is the all-important natural active ingredient within soap nuts that actually produces the "soaping" effect.

The Mukorossi soap nuts are larger, brighter in color and gloss, and more effective in producing the 'soapy' effect than Trifoliatus. Mukorossi soap nuts are typically exported from New Delhi (nearer their growth areas in the Himalayans). The Trifoliatus variety is often exported from Indonesia. These soap nuts are less desirable for they lack consistency and saponin content. In either case however, local farmers and families harvest the soap nuts after the fruit falls from the tree. Hence, soap nuts are actually dried fruits - not nuts. Regardless of the name (Soap Nut, soapnuts, washnuts, Soap Berry, Soapberry nut, etc.), the dried "shell" produces the soaping effect. If properly harvested, s
eeds are removed before the soap nut is dried in the sun.

- Soap nuts are a true answer and solution for sensitive skin types and infants. Fantastic for laundering diapers!
- Popular throughout Europe and Asia for centuries, yet virtually unknown in the US.
- Excellent for removal of odors.
- Naturally anti-fungal and anti-microbial.
- Hypoallergenic! - Many people have allergic reactions to detergents due to the chemicals and fragrances in them. Soap Nuts are totally free of such chemicals.
- Soap nuts are extremely versatile and can be used for numerous household-cleaning needs - even glass cleaning!
- Easily converted to powder or liquid forms at home.
- Virtually eliminate the need, and the expense, for brighteners, fabric softeners and dryer sheets.
- Naturally reduce static cling.
- Highly effective, yet very gentle.
- Being so mild, Soap Nuts help keep colors bright and maintain fabric structure.
- Shelf life is basically endless if properly stored (simply kept dry).
- Soap nuts do NOT pollute water!
- Resolve issues of grey water and are great for septic systems.
- 100% biodegradable. Excellent for composting.
- No chemicals needed to produce.
- No fossil fuels used to produce - essentially no energy required.
- No animal testing or animal cruelty.
- Soap nuts are a completely natural product from a sustainable source.
- Since Soap Nuts are primarily a resource from only emerging nations, increased demand will provide an additional needed economic stimulus, plus will encourage increased planting, growth and farming. Increased forestation and natural means of harvesting will aid in the reversal of Co2 accumulation.

Try NaturOli Soap Nuts today. You will be amazed!

For more information visit NaturOli's very informative web site at: www.NaturOli.com/Soapnuts

Bid with confidence. Your order is promptly shipped directly from the NaturOli headquarters in Peoria, Arizona, USA.

30-Day Money Back Guarantee!

Please feel free to email with special requests such as bulk shipments, wholesale, private labeling, etc. NaturOli provides a full suite of services that can be customized to virtually any need (business or consumer) - even in-house creative and production services for those looking to start their own businesses. All forms (i.e. powders, liquids, special formulations for cleansers, shampoos, skin care products, etc.) are produced right in the USA at the NaturOli facility. NaturOli has an award-winning, impeccable reputation for honesty, integrity, customer service, in-depth knowledge and paramount quality in natural products. Be assured you are always in goods hands with NaturOli products and services. (Pronounced simply "naturally", if you didn't already know.)