*Pretend Play* Wooden Airplane Toy

So Cool! The Propeller Spins by kid power (no batteries!) and it flys as high as the arm can reach!





Pls see our store for handcrafted items...such as Handcrafted AMISH Stables, Barns, Corrals, Fences and more! Also check out MOVING Butterflies, Wood Marble & Car Roller Toys, ALPHABET Blocks, Puzzles too! Or head to our storefront and see a listing of all of our I SPY KID STUFF categories.

Make sure the little ones in your life get these great toys! I have lots of other wooden toys for sale too. Please feel free to email me with questions.

As with all toys/items that are purchased for children/adults/people, you must use your own parental/adult/buyer discretion as to whether they are age appropriate for the recipient in which they are intended.

Thank you!