Lot (100) Czech vintage mixed millefiori mosaic art glass cane lampwork supplies

Lot of (100) Rare Victorian Bohemian Czech Vintage millefiori mosaic art glass cane sections. These were produced in the 1920's by cutting lengths of millefiori glass rods into segments. The sections were then used for lampworking to make beads, fine jewelry and art glass.
Perfect for modern day lampwork enthusiasts. 
Size: 5/6 mm 4/16th inch
Material: Vintage glass supplies.
Origin: N. Bohemia / Czech
Year: Vintage circa 1920's
Condition: Good authentic vintage condition.
Quantity: approx. 100 pieces

Made in the famous Gablonz area of Czech, this glass symbolises the skill and artistic talent of 20th century Czech glass makers.

Bohemian glass is known worldwide for its extremely high quality and for the elegant designs of finished products.


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