4 channel remote control 315MHz.

Works with Raspberry Pi & Arduino boards.

This listing is for the 315MHz version of the transmitter & receiver.

Includes a Fritzing wiring diagram for Raspberry Pi & a shell script that prints out which button you've pressed - see sticker on top of box for PDF download URL.
It's trivial to alter this script to perform any other shell command  you like, so for example you could make button A take a photo from the Raspberry Pi camera & button B take a video.

Receiver range is quite limited - around 3 metres with the external antenna wire attached - but it's still a great way to make your Pi perform certain tasks while running headless. 
(If you want to receive signals from the 4 channel transmitter up to 25 metres away, then please also order our long range 315MHz receiver  http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/162023269288)

Includes transmitter keyfob, receiver board & 23.8cm antenna wire.

Doesn't include a Raspberry Pi, breadboard or dupont male to female breadboard cables.

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Raspberry Pi is a trademark of the Raspberry Pi Foundation.
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