Arms and armour in Europe from the Iron Age to the 17th Century. A three volume in-depth treatment Illustrated with many plates.
Arms and Armour have always held an intrinsic fascination for experts and amateurs alike. This beautifully produced three-volume work, first published in 1855, is a definitive treasure trove of information, and, to add to its attraction, it has scores of illustrative plates, printed in fine detail and covering the whole subject from the dawn of the age of iron in warfare down to the phasing out of armour in the 17th century. The author looks first at spears and spearheads. Swords, daggers and the many other different forms of the blade are examined next, as are axeheads. Defence against these weapons was provided by armour, and the author shows how shields were designed and their use. He also looks at how archers, pike- and axe-men and knights were armed and armoured. The book is an essential reading and reference work to any general student of medieval warfare, as well as to the more specialised researcher. It is invaluable and enjoyable. Published by the Naval and Military Press in associatoion with the Royal Armouries.

