I am the only authorized distributor of ohiocountryboy0 branded legal reproductions. This listing is for a legal reproduction.

This manual does not contain any technical data prohibited under ITAR 121.  This manual contains public domain information, per Section 120.10 and 120.11.  As such, this manual can be shipped worldwide.  Please contact me if you have problems bidding.

This listing is for a CD copy of the formerly RESTRICTED October 1944 War Department technical manual issue of TM 9-1225 covering all aspects of the Ordnance Maintenance of the Browning Machine Gun, Cal. .50, M2 All Types, and Ground Mounts.  214 pages. 

This CD is an easy to read PDF (Adobe Acrobat) file, with crisp clear pages.  Each chapter is bookmarked, so you can quickly find the section you want to view.  You no longer have to worry about getting pages damaged or dirty.  You can simply print out any and all pages you like if you want a hard copy.  Photo is sample scan of cover for illustrative purposes. Why pay 10 to 25 cents per page for photocopy reprints when you can buy a CD for a fraction of the price?

I expect payment within 10 days of close of auction. Buyer to pay shipping. I will ship anywhere, but outside of the USA may be higher shipping costs. If you have any questions please email me. Please check out my other listings and Thank You for shopping from me.

This PDF file and format is created, produced, and copyrighted by ohiocountryboy0 from non-copyrighted, public domain, declassified or non-classified US Government documents. All rights reserved. ©2004  Each CD is created as a labor of love. I take great pride in the quality of my CD's, and my feedback reflects the satisfaction of my customers.  Made in America!