The Published Mezzotints of David Lucas after John Constable, RA a catalogue and historical account by the Hon. Andrew Shirley, MA. Sometime keeper in the department of Fine Art Ashmolean Museum. 

Hardback book published by Oxford at the Clarendon Press 1930. 

Oxford University Press
Amen House, EC, 4
London Edinburgh Glasgow
Leipzig New York Toronto
Melbourne Capetown Bombay
Calcutta Madras Shanghai
Humphrey Milford
Publisher to the University

Printed in Great Britain.

On page [xi] there is an ERRATA affixed to the page.

The book contains detailed correspondence, catalogue with plates and a set of supporting appendices. 

The book is in good condition with some wear to the cover. The worst damage is in the last picture. All the pages are intact and unmarked and only yellowed with age. The edges of the pages are rough cut consistent with printing in the 1930s.