The LS50THa solar telescope offers 50 mm free aperture, 350 mm focal length, and provides a bandwidth of <0.75 Angstrom. The telescope is fitted as standard with the air-pressure tuning system "Pressure-Tuner", the Etalon is safely installed inside the telescope. Prominences and surface detail can quickly be viewed spontaneously. This very portable system is an ideal travel companion for wherever you go. A B600 blocking filter is installed inside the star diagonal. The B600 is really good for visual observing and also for imaging the sun. Focusing is achieved by a non-roting Helical focuser. Also double-stacking with a bandwidth of only <0.5 Angstrom is possible by using the additional available LS50C filter (0550210). This filter threads directly onto the LS50THa telescope. Technical data: Aperture: 50 mm Focal Length: 350 mm Bandwidth: <0.75 Angstrom Tuning: air-pressure tuning system "Pressure-Tuner" Blocking Filter: B600 non-rotating Helical focuser Tube-ring with 1/4-20 tapped base (standard thread for photo-tripods)