Magnetite. Kendal Crystals

Magnetite. Kendal Crystals

Magnetite. Kendal Crystals

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Magnetite Fe2+Fe23+O4

Imilchil, Er Rachidia, Morocco.

Magnetite is the most magnetic of natural crystals. The word magnet derives from the crystal, rather than the other way about, the name itself coming from the place Magnesia in Greece where the stone was discovered. The crystal is useful for scientists working on the study of the Earth's magnetic field, and where and when rocks were laid down.

60mm x 50mm x 30mm, 200gms (2.36in x 1.97in x 1.18in, 7.05oz). All sizes and weights are approximate.
Item no: 6670

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UK Economy: No extra charge.

UK 1st Class: £1.00

UK Express: £6.00

European Union: £3.65 (Airmail)

Rest of World**: £6.25 (Airmail)

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