A high quality 4" x 6" photograph professionally produced in a lab.

Image size may be less than print size due to aspect ratio leaving borders.

No additional shipping charge when you buy any other 4 x 6 photos
and have all auctions consolidated and pay only once.

Print offered as a collectible only with no rights given or implied.

This item is listed in Collectibles > Paper > Pin Up > Vintage (Pre-1970)
with item specific "Nudes" added as required--a category that according
to your policy "can contain topless or suggestive images of female breasts."
Moreover, any photo that may seem to be a full nude is NOT. You define
nudity as: "genitalia, anus, or female breasts where the areola or nipple
is visible." Therefore, a full frontal nude would reveal genitalia as well as
breasts. None of this store's nudes listed on your general site exhibits
either anus or genitalia--or for that matter even pubic area. This is a
photographic art work intended to exalt--not sully or demean--the
beauty of the human body.