7A 300g/3Bundles Brazilian Indian Peruvian Virgin Human Hair Bodywave & Straight

Hair Type: 7A Brazilian,Malaysian, Peruvian Virgin  Human Hair

Hair Colour: Black

Dying/Bleaching: Yes-can be Dyed

This is virgin unprocessed hair 



The following care instructions will allow you to keep your closure piece in Body Wave hair extensions for longer.
1.     Always braid your hair before going to bed, swimming or exercising.
2.     Never sleep with wet hair. Prolonged sun, water and wind exposure can damage the hair.
3.     It is also advised that you keep hair from coming into contact with saltwater and chlorine water as these factors can also contribute to the wear.
4.     Before washing, it is important to first detangle the hair, combing out any existing knots.
5.     Never brush your hair while it is wet.
6.     Wash with cool to lukewarm water, using a mild shampoo, always follows with conditioner.
7.     Much like your own hair, the more frequently you wash and style the extensions, the more likely they are to dry out, so avoid over washing and drying.
8.     Pat down excess moisture in the hair gently with a towel before blow drying.
9.     It is recommended that you allow the hair to dry naturally before styling. Avoid rubbing the hair or twisting it as this can cause it to tangle.
10. When removing the hair extensions, If the extension is attached with adhesive make sure to use the right remover. 

Please contact us if you have any questions