When you're active and use your muscles more often, a higher quantity of protein can be required in your diet. This Premium Whey Protein delivers whey protein, which is digested and utilized by the body more efficiently than other sources of protein, to help you achieve your fitness goals.

  • Builds lean muscle better than regular whey
  • Scientifically superior formula
  • Accelerates muscle performance & recovery
  • Delivers ultra-high-quality whey protein and branched chain amino acids to help support recovery and lean muscle growth. Active adults can take one scoop to get 20g of protein per serving, while serious athletes can take two scoops to get 40g of protein.
  • It can be enjoyed as an on-the-go shake, as a fruit smoothie between major meals and before or after exercise, or simply added to your favorite recipes, such as pancakes! It comes with a re-sealable slider that will keep your protein fresh.
  • Premium Whey Protein won a Gold Medal for superior taste in an independent test against other protein powders by a panel of experts at the American Masters of Taste.
  • Is engineered with the highest commitment to research and quality so that active individuals can fuel their muscles to perform at their absolute best.