All purchases will come in 120ml lab grade bottles, HDPE or LDPE plastic with foam lined caps. Depending on what's in supply you may receive either white bottles or natural colored bottles.

This listing is for 1/4 lb bottle of Granular Boric acid for a smelting casting flux, keep your gold cleaner. This is used as a flux additive & has so many other uses as well.

Medicinal Uses:

Boric acid is the only acid in the world that is useful for eyes. It is mainly used for treating pinkeye or conjunctivitis, eye infections, and discharges from eyes. Dilute 1 tsp boric acid powder in half cup saline water or saline wash. Flush your eyes with this solution to get rid of any kind of eye irritation.

Boric acid solution has proved to be highly useful for clearing off fungi that has entered in the ears while swimming. Besides, it is also helpful in treating various kinds of ear infections in both humans and pets.

It is also helpful in treating foul foot odor. A person suffering from excessive smelly feet can apply boric acid to reduce sweating that leads to bad odor from feet.

Boric acid is extremely beneficial for curing skin infections, such as candidiasis (infection of yeast), athlete’s foot, and various other fungal and yeast infections on skin.

Boric acid, when mixed with distilled water in the ratio of one cup boric acid to one gallon water, serves as a wound spray. The solution contains antiseptic properties that help in treating minor wounds, like cuts and burns.

Household Uses:

Boric acid is a tried-and-true cleaner for home. Get rid of tough stains on your clothes by adding ½ cup boric acid to your regular detergent while doing laundry. If you wish to bleach your clothes, dilute ¼ cup boric acid in two cups of water and treat your clothes the same way as you would otherwise with a market-bought bleach. Get an odorless kitchen and bathroom by sprinkling some boric acid into the bottom of a clean and dry dustbin. Sprinkle ½ cup boric acid into the toilet bowl and swish around using a toilet brush. Leave it on for about 30 minutes or overnight and flush to get rid of bad smell and odor in the toilet.

And many more uses!

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