Fast Pain Relief from:-
Back Pain 
L5 / S1 Herniated Discs 
Pinched Nerve 
Lumbar Pain
Burning pain in either Leg
Restless Leg Syndrome

For the price of a pack of Ibuprofen, I can literally relieve you from your Back and/or Leg Pain, resulting from nerve damage/pain in the L5/S1 area of your Back.

If you're reading this, you have probably already seen your GP, waited 8-10 weeks for a Hospital appointment, seen numerous Osteopaths, Chiropractors, Physio's, and been told where your pain is originating from. IF you've been told that the problem area is the L5/S1 then I can help.

Majority of Back Pain is located around the L5/S1 area, this is the lower lumbar area of your Spine, mostly caused by bad posture, lifting heavy weights, even the arches in your feet can affect this area.

My Long Story Short
Firstly I am a real person, who has lived through years of Back Pain, Depression, Ridicule, and lots of lost time, all because not one 'Professional' would actually give me the advice I needed.

I am male, 38years old, and have had Back pain since I was 13. I have spent circa £20,000 over the years on Chiropractors, Physio's, Accupuncture, MRI Scans, even IDD Therapy (electronic stretching). None of which relieved the pain for more than 24hours.

Over the years the pain got worse, but still I continued visiting the GP, Hospital, etc. I finally started getting somewhere with it about 3years ago. I literally had enough, and told my GP that I wanted it fixed once and for all. From there I was injected with x2 Epidural needles - which helped for about 7days, but sadly the pain returned, but still I fought on. That was the last option before opting for a private Microdiscectomy (MD).

The risks were pretty high, as I'd suffered for so long, my left buttock muscle was non-existent from not being able to exercise over the years, and all the prodding and massaging of the Piriformis muscle (which didn't help).

The MD went well. I woke up and my legs worked, the burning leg pain had gone, and my back felt better, fragile but better. For the next cpl of months I was laid-up, not able to walk far, or even hold a glass of water (too much weight on Discs). 
Life was depressing, but I wouldn't give up. I had x2 dropped feet, but spent my time doing all the research and exercises that I could possibly do.

2years later I was back in the gym, lifting heavy weights, boxing, cycling, and even the occasional jog.

During these awful years, depression certainly kicked in, I had taken thousands of Pills (which in turn gave me Kidney Stones!), lost thousands of pounds, and a massive amount of time. 

Not one GP, Doctor, Nurse, Chiropractor, Osteopath ever actually advised me on what I really needed to do fix my Back problem. But after years of research (and pain) I can now pass on my knowledge of exactly what does need doing in order to relieve and heal your Back.

What you'll receive from me
  • A standard email (nothing posted) from me, in plain English, giving Advice of what TO do, and what NOT to do. 
  • Incl link to a site which really helped me
  • Incl list of light Exercises + stretching techniques
  • Incl my email address in case you need further advice (chargeable but still a very low fees)

Don't waste your time or money on 'professionals' they'll keep you coming back time and time again, trust me my method works. Its extremely simple, and very effective. I just wish I'd known all this a lot earlier in my life.

PLEASE NOTE I am in no way medically trained, and only offer impartial advice, which you are free to treat as you wish.