Cornwallite & Olivenite. Kendal Crystals

Cornwallite & Olivenite. Kendal Crystals

Cornwallite & Olivenite. Kendal Crystals

Cornwallite & Olivenite. Kendal Crystals

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Cornwallite Cu5(AsO4)2(OH)4

Olivenite Cu2(AsO4)(OH)

Wheal Gorland, St Day, Cornwall, UK.

Bright Green Cornwallite and paler olive-green Olivenite on matrix from a classic Cornish location.

Cornwallite is named after the location of its type locality, Cornwall, UK. It is a relatively rare mineral that forms on the oxidisation of minerals containing Copper and Arsenic.

Olivenite is named for its colour and is a secondary mineral often found in Copper deposits where Arsenic is also present.

30mm x 22mm x 16mm, 13.7gms (1.18in x 0.87in x 0.63in, 0.48oz). All sizes and weights are approximate.
Item no: 7869

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UK Economy: No extra charge

UK First Class: £1.00

UK Express: £5.25

European Union: £1.65 (Airmail)

Rest of World**: £2.15 (Airmail)
(**Some exclusions apply)