We strongly recommend that you request colour samples as we can not guarantee a full refund if you need to return because of the colour as all our veils are custom made.
For Instance we have three different shades of pink and Blush Pink Silk Dupion fabric is not necessarily the same colour/shade as Blush Pink tuille.

We are always happy to send out colour sample of tuille

If you require a colour not listed please let us know and we will do our best to get this for you.

Samples are available with or without diamonte

Any further question please message us.

One tier Shoulder length  Bridal Veil. 

24" from comb to hem

Fitted with a clear comb

Colours available

White, Ivory, Pale Ivory, Shell Pink, Blush Pink, Light Pink, Champagne,

Can be made with or without scattered diamonte

Available with 3mm, 6mm, Plain cut or silk stitched edging. 
