
Dimensions: 28.2mm (length) * 13.1mm (W) * 5.5mm (height)
Operating voltage: 4V - 30V
Sensor Model: LM35DZ
Signal Output Type: Analog
Temperature measuring range: 0 ℃ - 100 ℃
Measuring accuracy: 0.5 ℃
linear scale factor: +10 mV / ℃
Low power consumption, less than 60uA
low output impedance, 1mA current through only 0.1Ω
With screw holes for easy installation and fixed. Aperture 2.6mm
Wiring instructions:

"+": Positive power supply
"-": Negative one
"out": pick AD converter module analog signal input terminal or directly connected to the multimeter to measure

Package included:
1 x LM35D Digital Temperature Sensor Linear Module
1 x 3-pin 20cm DuPont line