
September 1938

Complete magazine in excellent condition. Fortune was the Cream of the Crop as far as magazines were concerned. Thick (150 pages) with stiff covers and costing $1.00 at a time when other magazines were 5 and 10 cents. Beautiful advertising the best of the best in most issues-  Packard limosines, Rolex, Aviation and ship lines. This particular issue has a great Indian corn in the barn cover.  huge articles on all the stories.  The Canada Siren. Canada sits on assets during the depression (Lots of great artwork.). The Corn industry, William Morris Agency. Charlie Chaplin, Douglas Fairbanks. Polaroid and Mr land. Curtiss-Wright - Lots of photos. Anarchy in the hat business. The enviable Swedish Budget.

We have most issues of Fortune in stock 1930 to the present.   Inquire if you are interested in other issues.

Chosen Reflections/Million Magazines, Kaufman TX 75142

Over one Million Magazines in stock 1843 to the present.

In the trade since 1976