Feng Shui Tortoise is found to bring good Chi to your house. There are 4 celestial creatures, namely the Dragon, Phoenix, White Tiger and Tortoise.Tortoise is the only celestial creature that ACTUALLY exists until today. This Feng Shui Tortoise is a symbol of longevity, happiness and harmony. It also represent symbol of protection, wealth, health and prosperity.When 3 tortoises are stacked on top of each other, they represents the symbol of loving among family members.The tortoises can also life up a century old and this symbolizes longevity for you and your family.It could also represent long lasting friendship or relationship. Feng Shui Tortoise can also be given as a gift to your family members, friends as good and long lasting relationship or to elderly person for longevity and respect.  Heigt: 3'' Approx, Length: 4'' Approx, Width: 3'' Approx