Conception Support™

Helps to Restore Balance to Hormonal Levels & Promote Female Fertility

Conception Support™combines herbs and nutritional supplements to help support balanced hormone levels and improve fertility

The Most Comprehensive Woman's Herbal Formulation To Help Support Hormone Regulation and Reproductive Fertility

Conception Support™is an all-natural herbal product containing herbs traditionally used for natural female hormonal balancing. The herbs chosen are specific to female reproductive functions and overall health and balance.

Get Pregnant When You Are Ready And Want To Get Pregnant, On Your Own Schedule - Naturally, Without Dangerous Fertility Drugs Using Conception Support Natural Fertility Booster Treatment For Women

Conception Support™contains a selection of herbs to support fertile conditions for ovulation and conception.The herbs in the formula has been used for many years to safely maintain harmony, health, and systemic balance in the female reproductive system. Conception Support™ also supports a healthy uterus, ovaries, fallopian tubes, and reproductive functioning. Regular use of Conception Support™ supports normal hormone balance in the female body as well as healthy egg production and regular menstruation and ovulation while also supporting overall systemic health which is beneficial to the pregnancy and conception process. The formula remains true to the whole spectrum method of herbal extraction, ensuring the bio-availability and balance of all the active ingredients contained in the remedy. This method of manufacture also significantly reduces the likelihood of side effects and maintains all active ingredients in perfect balance – exactly as nature intended!

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A hormonal balancing Supplement to promote fertility and help women conceive

Conception Support Female Fertility Treatment Naturally Boosts A Woman’s Fertility And Increases Her Chances Of Conception

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This listing is for 1 bottle - 60 capsules per bottle

Manufactured In the USA

A natural, comprehensive clinically proven formula designed to naturally support hormone levels and alleviate many of the symptoms a woman may experience as her body changes with age which may inhibit fertility.

Supports the solid health of the female reproductive system, supporting healthy and efficient ovulation and conditions for conception.

Conception Support™ is a Orthomolecular Blend that Contains All Natural Ingredients.

Stimulate Your Reproductive Hormones

Lengthen Your Menstrual Cycle

Benefit From Hormonal Balance

Improvement of progesterone levels

Benefit From All Natural Ingredients

The blend of botanicals that make up Conception Support™ is the result of the international research of multiple universities, scientists and doctors over the past two decades. The ingredients in Conception Support™ have been demonstrated through innumerable documented studies to effectively and safely bring balance to most women's hormones and help normalize menstrual cycles by directly affecting the length of time for ovulation.

This balance is essential to increasing your chances of becoming pregnant. Conception Support™ does not over stimulate your ovaries to release multiple ova (eggs) throughout your cycle, or multiple times during your cycle. It also does not “force” pregnancy on your reproductive organs but assists your body in achieving it all on its own.

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For many women, infertility is due to a shortened or irregular menstrual cycle. The ingredients in Conception Support™ have a specific action allowing for a longer ovulation period, giving you a greater opportunity to conceive. Conception Support™ is also designed to help relax the uterus and at the same time strengthen the walls of the uterus, helping to avoid or stop early miscarriages (in the first trimester, some even before you realize you may be pregnant).

Conception Support™ contains a proprietary blend of ingredients that are good for your overall wellbeing by helping strengthen your immune system and help reduce reactions to stress, to very important factors for maintaining a regular menstrual cycle and a healthy environment for the growth of a new baby. You can see why Conception Support™ works so well.

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You want to be a mother..... it’s as simple as that. You’ve made up your mind but your body's condition may be preventing the conception of your beautiful new child. So many times small hormonal imbalances and nutritional deficiencies can hinder your dreams. We understand. That’s why we developed Conception Support™ is a female infertility treatment blend that aids in the restoration and balancing of hormonal functions, nutritional deficiencies and physical problems in a woman's body. Conception Support™ also helps to extend ovulation cycles for soon to be expecting mothers ensuring perfect conditions for pregnancy.

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For a woman to conceive, the female body has to be fertile - just like soil has to be fertile for a flower to grow.

Conception Support™ Natural Fertility Booster Treatment For Women is like a conception fertilizer for the female body.

Conception Support™ Natural Fertility Booster Treatment For Women is not going to make you pregnant, no product can. Pregnancy is a gift from God that can only come from a man and a woman. But Conception Support™ Natural Fertility Booster Treatment For Women will help to get your body hormonally tuned to its optimum fertility point and thus ready to conceive a healthy new child, naturally without drugs or harsh chemicals.

FACT: If your body's hormones are out of balance, your fertility will be low and your chances of getting pregnant are almost zero.

The female body is an amazingly complex mix of chemicals and hormones that all have to be balanced in order to be fertile and conceive. You may have planned to start a family and waited a long time, or maybe you've tried and tried to get pregnant. But until you get your body hormonally balanced, you will probably be stuck right where you are.

For woman, the inability to conceive weighs heavy on self-esteem, and for some, can even challenge their very womanhood. Women who are unable to conceive may feel frustrated and stressed and the load may put a strain on your marriage.

But here is the really worrying news - All that additional stress is making your chances of conception even lower.

There are several reasons why women can have problems with fertility. Some of the most common are hormonal imbalances, endometriosis, polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) and age.

A delicate balance of sex hormones is needed for the timely growth and release of the egg from the ovary. In most infertility cases, this delicate balance is off. These hormone imbalances can cause ovulation disorders and problems in women and result in infertility. This is also true with age, PCOS and endometriosis.

When women are trying to conceive is it very important to remove all toxins and impurities from your body. Toxin build-up can also hinder circulation and elimination to affected areas. This prevents proper nutrition from reaching the tissues and prevents your body from cleaning the impurities. When this happens in reproductive tissues the ability to create healthy ova can be compromised.

It gives you everything you need to be in perfect nutritional and hormonal balance. Just like the soil, your body needs to be in perfect harmony to germinate a seed. Not only does Conception Support™ create the perfect conditions, it also aids in lengthening your ovulation cycle. Just like the earth needs sun and rain to germinate a seed, your body can utilize this extended opportunity for maximizing the success of conception.

The ingredients in Conception Support™ have been demonstrated through innumerable documented studies to effectively and safely bring balance to most women's hormones and help normalize menstrual cycles, as well as the accompanying side effects of PMS, as effectively and safely, and usually more safely, than prescription hormone therapies (meaning, without the common negative side effects of chemical drug therapies). This balance is essential to increasing your chances of becoming pregnant. Conception Support™ does not over stimulate your ovaries to release multiple ova (eggs) throughout your cycle, or multiple times during your cycle. For many women, infertility is due to a shortened or irregular menstrual cycle. The ingredients in Conception Support™ have a specific action which allows for a longer ovulation period, giving you a greater opportunity to conceive.


Conception Support™is the doctor-approved and ObGyn-recommended supplement designed to increase fertility and improve reproductive health. With an all natural, non-prescription formula that brings together scientifically-validated herbal ingredients and essential vitamins, Womens Support promotes female hormonal balance and reproductive wellness, supporting fertility and optimizing your chances to conceive. Conception Support™combines fertility-enhancing nutrients with a “synergistic” formula of folic acid, essential vitamins and minerals, and key antioxidants. This comprehensive formula makes it the only fertility supplement offering total preconception vitamin support - optimized for trying-to-conceive women. Conception Support™was formulated on the basis of established scientific literature to help optimize fertility safely and naturally as part of a healthy diet and lifestyle. With an advanced proprietary herbal formula, Conception Support™helps restore hormonal balance while supporting overall reproductive wellness. Conception Support™has no negative side effects and has no impact on multiple births.

Hormones and fertility go hand and hand. Every month, the female hormones estrogen andprogesterone are produced which are key neurotransmitters. As a woman ages, her body experiences a number of changes. Many of these changes are the result of shifting hormone levels. This leads to changes in the menstrual cycle and eventually culminates in menopause with it many uncomfortable side effects. Hormonal balance during a woman's life may be influenced by a variety of factors such as nutrition, diet, lifestyle, exercise, stress, emotions, age and ovulation. Conception Support™helps promote female reproductive health and hormonal balance - assisting women throughout the ages to stay healthy and optimise reproductive capability.

Conception Support™Capsules are an all-natural, 100% herbal product containing a proprietary combination blend of herbs traditionally used for natural female hormonal balancing and reproductive health enhancing qualities. The herbs used are traditional botanicals which are specific to female reproductive functions and overall fertility health and balance that together have been known to balance female hormones and promote reproductive health.

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Many of the experiences that a woman undergoes are due to shifting hormone levels.


Supports women’s health during normal mid-life changes.

Contains essential nutrients for conception support.

Natural hormone balance for women, regulates menstrual cycle aiding fertility

For use on all symptoms of hormone imbalance like infertility, irregular cycles, emotions, hot flashes, cramping etc

Regulates estrogen, regulates progesterone, keeps testosterone in check, settles emotions, regulates the menstrual cycle, overall energy and improved mood by naturally regulating hormones to improve fertility.

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Many women today, some in their thirties and some even younger, have started to experience the early onset of hormone imbalance symptoms and their associated disorders. One of the main symptoms is the difficulty to conceive. Unfortunately, if the symptoms are ignored in the initial stages, then they can grow worse as time goes by. The symptoms of hormone imbalance that can prevent fertility may be caused by a multitude of reasons, but the basic reason is that there is an incorrect relationship between progesterone and estrogen levels in the woman’s body. These are the two hormones that must co exist peacefully in a perfect balance, and any variations and changes in this perfect balance will start to have a dramatic effect on the woman’s health and ability to conceive. Remember; the amount of these hormones produced in a woman’s body can vary from one month to the next, because they are dependent on factors such as stress, nutrition or lack of it, exercise or lack of it, and ovulation, or lack of it. When there is no ovulation, the production of progesterone from the ovaries does not happen, and as a direct result, the healthy accepted levels of progesterone start to decline.This means that ovaries may not produce the eggs that have to be fertilized every month, and as a result, the estrogen levels start to increase. This is one of the main causes of hormone imbalance in a woman’s body that can negative effect the ability of a woman to conceive.

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Maintains healthy estrogen to progesterone balance

Balanced hormones, effortless periods, PMS, and improved fertility

Balanced hormones for resolving irregular periods

Promotes fertility by supporting female reproductive health

Helps maintain menstrual cycle regularity

Supports healthy, regular ovulation and egg production

Encourages healthy fertility hormone levels

Herbal benefits support healthy conditions for conception

Promotes overall systemic health and functioning

All about balance and fertility

Hormones play a vital role in every woman's health and well-being. Every month, the female hormones estrogen and progesterone are produced. The ratio between these two hormones, as well as the quantities produced by the body, can vary throughout the menstrual cycle.

This is perfectly normal, and will result in various changes in mood, skin and hair growth, as well as in menstruation itself. One of the major hormones affecting the brain, the gonadotrophin-releasing hormone, alters the functioning of the hypothalamus-- which in turn affects the pituitary gland, which then affects the ovaries, fallopian tubes and uterus.

Women of all ages may experience hormonal changes that affect fertility, often with symptoms becoming evident in their late twenties through their forties.

Conception Support™is our natural hormone balance for women and proprietary blend to improve fertility regulate the menstrual cycle. Our unique capsule formulation help aid the natural balance of hormones to bolster feritility. The herbs can also bring hormones back into good ranges by mimicking natural hormones to stimulate cells and hormone releasing glands, thereby increasing chances of fertility.

Around the world on a daily basis, millions of couples try to conceal. Unfortunately, sometimes this is easier said than done. Some women seem to conceive with ease time and time again, while others may take a little longer than expected. Ovulation occurs in a woman when the ovary releases an egg about halfway through the menstrual cycle. The egg then passes down into the fallopian tubes. If a woman has had sex and there are sperm present, the egg can then be fertilized and conception occurs. The fertilized egg then travels into the uterus, where it implants itself in the uterine lining approximately 6 - 10 days after conception. Because there are many factors that contribute to infertility, it is important to consult with your doctor to rule out structural or genetic problems if you are finding pregnancy, conception and fertility difficult to achieve. No drugs (including herbal formulas) can help if there are severe structural or genetic problems that affect fertility. It is important to know the cause so that you receive the correct treatment.

What is Hormonal Imbalance? How Does It Effect Fertility?

Hormones play a vital role in every woman’s health and well-being. Very often when women are in a bad mood, you will find that they, or their partners, blame it on their hormones. When hormone levels fluctuate, this can affect your mood, sexual desire, fertility and ovulation. In other words, the imbalance of hormones may impact negatively on how your reproductive system responds.

Every month, the female hormones estrogen and progesterone are produced. When estrogen and progesterone levels do not balance, this may have a dramatic effect on your health. The gonadotrophin releasing hormone, also affects the functioning of the hypothalamus which in turn affects the pituitary gland, which then affects the ovaries, fallopian tubes and uterus.

The imbalance of estrogen hormones can also cause early menopause and all the symptoms associated with it. These hormones are influenced by certain factors such as nutrition, diet, lifestyle, exercise, stress, emotions, age and ovulation.

Women of all ages may experience hormonal imbalances, often with symptoms becoming more evident in their late twenties and throughout their forties. Many women also experience symptoms of hormonal changes during their premenstrual cycle.

What are Hormones and how do they effect Fertility?

Hormones are the chemical messengers in the body that travel the bloodstream to the organs and tissues. They slowly work and affect many of the body's processes over time. Endocrine glands, which are special groups of cells, make hormones. There are many endocrine glands in the body with the main ones being the pituitary gland, thyroid, thymus, adrenal glands and the pancreas. Hormones are dominant and it only requires a small amount of them to cause significant changes throughout the body. Both men and women produce hormones in the same areas with one exception, the sexual organs. Additional male hormones are produced in the testes while women's are produced in the ovaries. If hormone imbalance is left untreated it can result in serious medical conditions. If the imbalance is taking place in the pituitary glands, growth disorders are possible and will require treatment of a growth hormone. It is possible that the imbalance could also cause an overproduction of growth hormones and cause medical conditions such as gogantism and acromegaly. There are approximately 6,000 endocrine disorders that result because of hormone imbalance. An imbalance of hormones is experienced at different times during life. As the body changes from childhood to adulthood, puberty is experienced by both male and females. Women will then again experience a change later in life after their childbearing years have been passed. Hormonal imbalance is defined as chemical messengers which regulate our body's systems and that are no longer functioning properly. This dysfunction can be an overproduction or an underproduction of specific hormones. The primary hormone that causes these changes is estrogen.

A hormonal imbalance occurs as a reaction to the elevated level of estrogen and lowered level of progesterone within a woman's body. Estrogen is naturally produced by the ovaries and is the female hormone necessary for normal sexual development. It also works to regulate the menstrual cycle to prepare and maintain the body during childbearing years. Estrogen is dominant during the follicular phase of the menstrual cycle. Progesterone is dominant during the luteal phase of the menstrual cycle by the corpus luteum, and is needed for implantation of the fertilized egg. Later in life, the ovaries begin to decrease their production of estrogen and progesterone, causing symptoms of hormone imbalance to develop.

There are multiple causes for hormone imbalance, but the majority of cases are experienced due to estrogen dominance or increased amounts of estrogen in the body and not enough of progesterone. Common causes include birth control pills, stress, overuse of cosmetics, and non organic animal products. Other medical causes include genetics, obesity. Other causes include lack of exercise, autoantibody production, and a sendentary lifestyle. Of all of these causes, obesity is the number one medical cause for hormone imbalance while past pregnancy is the number one lifestyle change that causes the condition.
General Signs and Symptoms of Hormonal Imbalance that can Effect Fertility

Designed to help balance the hormones that govern the monthly cycle and reproduction.

• The only fertility supplement offering 100% RDA of vitamins, including folic acid, minerals and antioxidants to enhance your fertility diet.

• ObGyn formulated and recommended for those struggling with female infertility.

• “Fertility-Enhancing” formula based on mainstream scientific research and clinical studies.

• Safe and all-natural, no artificial dyes, colors, or preservatives - an alternative to fertility drugs and prescription medications.

• Manufactured in the U.S. by a GMP-certified facility; guaranteed quality and potency.

A few other causes of hormonal imbalance in women:

It's important to stress that infertility in women can have a variety of causes: a retroverted womb, inflammation of the cervix or ovaries, endometriosis, infection and scarring of the fallopian tubes, uterine fibroids and polycystic ovaries can all make it difficult to conceive. Lifestyle factors such as alcohol, cigarette smoking, a poor diet, stress and emotional factors can also play a part.

Conception Support™combines herbs and nutritional supplements to help support hormone levels and improve fertility. Black Cohosh is used to help address menopausal symptoms and is particularly effective because of its estrogenic effect on the body. Dong Quai is a natural remedy for menstrual difficulties. It may increase blood flow to female organs. Chasteberry has been used for years to help restore the normal balance between progesterone and estrogen. Also included in the formula are Red Clover and Sage for their added fertility benefits. Licorice is added because it contains compounds similar to estrogen and progesterone. Mexican Yam contains diosgenin, which is used in the development of synthetic progesterone. Also included are False Unicorn, Squaw Vine and Blessed Thistle which each have a particular action on or affinity for the female reproductive system.

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There are many reasons for infertility, such as eggs that do not fertilize, vaginal or cervical viral infection that interfering with conception, defective sperms, blocked fallopian tubes, irregular ovulation, hostile uterine environment, and hormonal problems. Even proper testing might not fully pinpoint and correct fertility problems.

For many women around the globe conceiving a child is not easy, but you must know, you are not alone and there is help available. Fertility problems are very common, approximately 10 percent of women who attempt to become pregnant encounter problems with infertility. There are several reasons why a woman may become unable to conceive, the most common reasons include ovulation issues which is a result of problems with hormones and poor egg quality.

Conception Support™contains just the right formulation of herbal and mineral extracts, amino acids and vitamins to support your body's natural hormone levels, and improve egg health. Because this product is a 100% natural formulation you will not need to worry about any embarrassing doctor visits or expensive prescriptions. However if you do suffer any serious health concerns you should review the product with your doctor before use.

Directions are simply to take 2 pills daily and within just a few weeks your hormone levels will be normalized, your egg health improved and your fertility will be greatly increased, thus improving your chances of conception. Most couples are able to conceive within 3 months of taking the pills. Some couples can take up to 6 months before becoming pregnant.

For most women there is only a 4 day period when they can naturally conceive so the product should be taken for at least 2 weeks before this time. This normally occurs between 13-17 days before the menstrual period begins and sexual intercourse should take place as often as possible during this four day period.
Conception Support™may also be used with various natural aphrodisiacs to assist your arousal and sexual desire, these will enable you to perform at your best and have increased sexual desire during this demanding time.

About infertility

How common is infertility?

Infertility is defined as the inability to conceive, or become pregnant within 1 full year of actively trying or after two or more miscarriages. Over 90 million couples worldwide are trying to conceive at any given time. Out of these couples, 1 in 6 (17%!) experience infertility troubles.

What are some common causes of infertility in women?

A growing number of women are waiting until their late thirties or early forties before deciding to get pregnant. As we age, fertility gradually decreases, which means that many of these women will have difficulty conceiving. In addition, many women suffer from ovulatory disorders (caused by PCOS or endometriosis), which impacts fertility.

What are some common causes of infertility in men?

Male factor infertility affects one out of every 20 men, and fertility experts point to poor sperm health as the primary cause of male infertility and sub-fertility. There are three key parameters of sperm health: sperm count, sperm morphology, and sperm motility. A problem in any one of these areas can present a challenge for trying to conceive couples. Alarmingly, the average sperm count among adult men has decreased by 50% since 1938, and continues to decline by at least 2% every year. A growing body of scientific research suggests that this rapid decline in sperm health is largely due to free radical damage, resulting from poor diet, exposure to dangerous environmental contaminants, and chronic stress.

What can I do to improve my fertility status?

Most fertility experts agree that a variety of lifestyle and dietary factors impact fertility status in both men and women. Eating a healthy diet (rich in fruits, vegetables, healthy oils, and whole grains), exercising regularly, stopping smoking, and limiting consumption of caffeine and alcohol can improve overall health and fertility status. For many of us, this is easier said and done, and our diets tend to be less than optimal. As a result, many trying to conceive couples can benefit from nutritional supplementation.

Will I get pregnant if I take Conception Support™for Women

Of course, not all women who take Conception Support™will become pregnant. Taking Conception Support™is intended to help restore hormonal balance and provide full prenatal vitamin protection for trying to conceive women. While many women have successfully conceived while taking Conception Support™, taking this product is not guaranteed to result in pregnancy. Conception Support™is intended to increase the production of fertile-quality cervical mucus. Sufficient fertile-quality cervical mucus is necessary for protecting and transporting sperm in the female reproductive tract. While many women have successfully conceived while taking Conception Support™, taking this product is not guaranteed to result in pregnancy.

About ovulation prediction

Why is it important for me to know when I ovulate?
For conception to occur, sperm must be present in the Fallopian tubes at the moment the egg is released from the ovary. Because sperm can only survive for 5-7 days in the female reproductive tract, a woman is really only "fertile" for a short window of time during each month. To maximize the chances of getting pregnant, trying to conceive couples must plan to have intercourse on the several days prior to ovulation (and perhaps on the day of ovulation). Many women have no trouble identifying their fertile window. However, for many other women, ovulation prediction is much more difficult to determine your most fertile days.

What types of ovulation detection/prediction methods are there?
There are several ways to detect and/or predict ovulation. One method is to take your basal body temperature (also known as your resting temperature) throughout your cycle using a basal thermometer. Charting your basal body temperature can help you detect the shift in temperatures that occurs at the time of ovulation. Directly after ovulation, your basal body temperature will typically increase by 0.5 to 1.5 degrees F.

Another way to pinpoint your fertile window is to monitor the consistency and quantity of cervical mucus. In the days just prior to ovulation, many women see an increase in the production of fertile-quality cervical mucus. The appearance of this egg-white consistency mucus reflects hormonal fluctuations that suggest that ovulation is about to occur.

Saliva-based ovulation microscopes and electronic fertility monitors can also be used to predict ovulation by detecting the hormonal shifts that occur as ovulation approaches.

Will I get pregnant if I have intercourse during my fertile window?
While timing intercourse during your fertile window is necessary for conception, it does not guarantee that you will become pregnant. Even when no fertility problems are present, the average couple between ages 29 and 33 has about a 20 to 25 percent chance of becoming pregnant during any given menstrual cycle.

I have taken this product before, but now I have added Maca to my supplements. Can I use Conception Support™with the Maca as well?

Yes, you can take Conception Support™in conjunction with Maca.

I have polycystic ovaries. Does Conception Support™work for people with PCOS?

Many people with PCOS have reported positive results from taking the ingredients in Conception Support™including increased cycle regularity, regular ovulation, and most importantly, pregnancy.

Are there any side effects?

There are no known negative side effects with Conception Support™. It's an all natural supplement containing vitamins, minerals, and herbs to help support overall reproductive wellness!

Are these pills of reasonable size and are they easy to swallow?

Conception Support™capsules are about the size of a normal multivitamin. However, it is in the form of a soft, coated capsule for easy swallowing! For those that have a hard time swallowing pills, you can also open up the capsule and add it to food or drink!

Can Conception Support™be combined with Clomid or other fertility drugs?

We recommend that you consult your doctor before taking Conception Support™in conjunction with prescription fertility drugs, including Clomid. There is not a specific contraindication; however, philosophically we believe that if you are under the care of a prescribing physician for fertility issues, any decisions regarding natural fertility supplementation should be made in communication with that physician.

How does Conception Support™ work?

Conception Support™ aids in the restoration and balancing of hormonal functions, nutritional deficiencies and physical problems in a woman's body. Conception Support™ also helps to extend ovulation cycles for soon to be expecting mothers, ensuring perfect conditions for pregnancy. Conception Support™ is completely natural and has no harmful side effects. Taken daily its ingredients been proven 91% successful in healthy women seeking to become pregnant.

Conception Support™ aids in the restoration and balancing of hormonal functions, nutritional deficiencies and physical problems in a woman's body. Conception Support™ also helps to extend ovulation cycles for soon to be expecting mothers ensuring perfect conditions for pregnancy. If you have made the decision to become a mother, and are really ready then the time is right. Conception Support™ is here to help you along the way. For about the price of a good prenatal vitamin you can ensure your body’s perfect condition for fertility. What a small price to pay to make your new baby a reality.

Please use our products responsibly. Pregnancy is not to be entered into lightly and with the use of Conception Support™ your chances of becoming pregnant are very high. Only use our product when you are sure, really sure that it’s time for you to bring a baby into the world.

How do I take Conception Support™ ?
To reach optimal results with Conception Support™ we suggest that you take one pill at the same time twice a day, no more than 12 hours apart. Continue taking Conception Support™ through your entire cycle even while you are menstruating. The Conception Support™ plan can be started at any point in your cycle but it does take 2 weeks to become fully effective.

Will Conception Support™ ™ cause multiple births?
No scientific evidence has indicated that the ingredients in Conception Support™ causes multiple births.

Will I gain weight taking Conception Support™ ?
Studies show that weight gain will occur only if you are pregnant. In a controlled test group of 50 women at AGS Testing those who where not yet pregnant saw no unusual weight gain.

Will Conception Support™ help my husband if he is impotent?
Maybe, but not directly. Many men are partially impotent because they ejaculate small amounts of active sperm. Unless a woman’s body conditions are perfect, these seeds may never see the egg for fertilization.

Is Conception Support™ safe?
Because Conception Support™ is made with all-natural ingredients and no harmful steroids, fillers, or chemical ingredients, it is absolutely safe to take on a regular basis. Conception Support™ is not a synthetic drug therefore adverse chemical side effects are unlikely. If you have concerns regarding the safety of Conception Support™ please consult your physician.

Do I need a prescription to order Conception Support™ ?
No. Conception Support™ is a natural nutritional supplement designed to balance female hormones and improve the chances of conception.

Can I take Conception Support™ with other medications?

Conception Support™ can not and will not recommend anyone taking our or any other supplement along with any other prescription medication being taken without first consulting your doctor. Always consult your doctor if you are taking any prescription medication.

What are some of the key benefits of the ingredients in Conception Support™that can additionally aid conception?

The ovary, is one of a pair of reproductive glands in women. They are located in the pelvis, one on each side of the uterus. Each ovary is about the size and shape of an almond. The ovaries produce eggs (ova) and female hormones such as estrogen. During each monthly menstrual cycle, an egg is released from one ovary. The egg travels from the ovary through a Fallopian tube to the uterus.

The average age of menopause is 51 years old. But there is no way to predict when an individual woman will enter menopause. The age at which a woman starts having menstrual periods is also not related to the age of menopause onset. Most women reach menopause between the ages of 45 and 55, but menopause may occur as earlier as the 30s or 40s or may not occur until a woman reaches her 60s. As a rough "rule of thumb," women tend to undergo menopause at an age similar to that of their mothers. Perimenopause, often accompanied by irregularities in the menstrual cycle along with the typical symptoms of early menopause, can begin up to 10 years prior to the last menstrual period effecting millions of women in their early 30s.

Hormonal imbalance is an ever growing problem. Hormone functions naturally fluctuate monthly and with age, but because they are on a negative feedback system they will always fluctuate past the desired amount and a trigger will kick on to bring it back down (in which it will pass again and continue on a pendulum pattern). This was the original need for natural hormone regulation, but now things are more complex due to high levels of daily stress, birth control, hormones from foods, water and plastics and many other problems. Now hormone regulation is needed because hormones are completely out of balance and are not evening keeping inside a good range.

How To Use
As a dietary supplement, take two (2) capsules daily.
For best results, this product should be used for 4 to 5 weeks. Do not exceed two capsules daily. Begin taking right away, there is no need to wait for a particular time within your cycle. To reach optimal results with Conception Support™, we suggest that you take one pill at the same time twice a day, no more than 12 hours apart or as set by a health care practitioner. Continue taking Conception Support™ through your entire cycle, even while you are menstruating. The Conception Support™ plan can be started at any point in your cycle, but it does take 2 - 4 weeks to become fully effective

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Soy Isoflavones Among women struggling to conceive, it has long been anecdotally noted that taking doses of soy isoflavones for a short period of time during the beginning of the menstrual cycle can have a similar effect as clomiphene citrate. Like clomiphene citrate, or "clomid," it is believed that soy isoflavones induce ovulation by tricking the body into producing more estrogen. Soya Isoflavones have a similar molecular structure to oestrogen, and can act as a substitute for the declining levels of oestrogen which occur. Isoflavones are a natural phyto-oestrogen and can help to balance your body's natural hormones when oestrogen levels are diminished. It is a popular natural alternative to Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT). It is often taken in combination with Black cohosh. Soy isofavaones function as antioxidents and phytoestrogens within the body and help maintain fertility and uterine health. Soy Isoflavones are a natural plant derived phytoestrogen (phyto means plant), which is an anti-estrogen. It is known as SERMs (Selective Estrogen Receptor Modulators). It works by fooling your brain into thinking its estrogen levels are low. This causes your body to release more FSH & LH which helps stimulate follicle production and therby increases fertility. For most women, isoflavones can help bring on an earlier or stronger ovulation. In summary, soy isoflavones are an anti-estrogen - they make your body think its lacking estrogen and thus it increases it, stimulating follicle maturation and ovulation.

Black Cohosh (Cimicifuga racemosa) Black cohosh is said to have an oestrogenic action and stimulate the ovaries so, like agnus castus, it could be helpful when the infertility problem arises from hormonal imbalances. It helps to increase the chances of conceiving. For couples using black cohosh, fertility is one of the best reasons to take it. Herbalists use black cohosh to treat symptoms associated with the reproductive cycle. Black cohosh acts against muscle spasms to relieve menstrual cramps and supports hormonal function to improve fertility. The estrogenic action of black cohosh is thought to stimulate the ovaries and could help boost fertility in women hormonal imbalances.

Black cohash has been used for thousands of years by Native Americans. It has become more well-known in the Western world through research on its supportive effect on hormone functioning and support of the female reproductive system. (Liske E. "Therapeutic efficacy and safety of Cimicifuga racemosa for gynecologic disorders". Adv Ther. 1998 Jan-Feb;15(1):45-53. Review.) (Frei-Kleiner S, Schaffner W, Rahlfs VW, Bodmer Ch, Birkhäuser M. "Cimicifuga racemosa dried ethanolic extract in menopausal disorders: a double-blind placebo-controlled clinical trial". Maturitas. 2005 Aug 16;51(4):397-404. Epub 2004 Dec 10. PMID: 16039414.) Black Cohosh has a history of use for women’s health issues dating back to Native Americans due to its estrogenic effect on the body. Today it finds widespread application in gynecological issues from menstruation to menopause. As one of the leading herbs for women's health, Black Cohosh is famous for its ability to promote female reproductive health and its ability to help support the physical changes that occur in a woman’s body over time. During fertility the brain controls the release of hormones to regulate ovulation. Estrogen provides feedback to the brain regarding how much other reproductive hormones to release. Luteinizing hormone and follicle-stimulating hormone act on the ovaries to release eggs. According to Amanda McQuade Crawford in "The Herbal Menopause Book," phytoestrogens in black cohosh may compete with estrogen at the estrogen receptors for regulating hormones. Because of the estrogen-like activity, black cohosh should be avoided once pregnant during early pregnancy to prevent miscarriage.

Dong Quai Widely used for female complaints, including menstrual irregularities and infertility, dong quai can tone a weak uterus by promoting metabolism within the organ, regulating hormonal control and improving the rhythm of the menstrual cycle. Of all the infertility herbs available dong quai is really the Queen. Dong Quai (angelica sinensis) is one of the most powerful females tonic and fertility herbs. Dong Quai tonifies and strengthens the uterus by regulating hormonal control, improving uterine tone, and improving the timing of the menstrual cycle. Dong quai is known for its positive impact on female health, in particular; pre menstrual symptoms, cramping and to normalise irregular cycles caused by hormone imbalance to name a few. It has been used extensively in Chinese herbal medicine as a natural remedy for treating menstrual problems. Dong Quai, one of the most important of the Chinese tonic herbs, is used as a nourishing blood tonic and helps to support healthy menstrual cycles. Dong quai is believed to increase blood flow to the uterus and to have muscle relaxant properties. The herb promotes hormonal balance and helps keep estrogen and progesterone levels within the normal range. In traditional Chinese medicine the herb is referred to as a blood tonic as it has a general effect on circulation. This could be helpful for women experiencing pale menstrual flow, absent periods, and weakness after periods (in TCM this is called blood deficient). It has also been shown to improve red blood cell counts. It is traditionally used for situations of stagnation (PCOS, endometriosis, ovarian cysts, and fibroids) as it increases the blood flow to the reproductive system reducing congestion and pain.

  • Promotes hormonal balance
  • Works throughout menopause, peri-menopause and during the menstrual cycle
  • Helps maintain healthy estrogen and progesterone levels
  • Provides tonic benefits for female reproductive health
  • Promotes emotional balance to address PMS "blues"
  • Provides long-term benefits for female health

Dong Quai may be helpful for:

Menstrual irregularities
Delayed or absent menstruation
Short periods with cramping
If you experience cramping and PMS during your period.
Women who have stopped taking birth control pills and need to encourage a regular cycle
Light or slow starting menstruation
Stagnant conditions

Chasteberry (Vitex agnus-castus castus) helps promotes hormone balance and has been traditionally used as both an aphrodisiac and to support regular menstrual cycles and ovulation. This herb has also been investigated as a potential remedy to support healthy ovulation cycles and conditions for conception. (I. Gerhard, A. Patek, B. Monga, A. Blank, C. Gorkow "Agnus castus combination product displays efficacy in female sterility" Randomized, placebo-controlled, double-blind study, Department of Gynecology, Heidelberg University. Source. Forsch. Komplementärmed. 1998; 5: 272-278). Agnus castus has a balancing effect on the pituitary gland in favour of progesterone and can regularise your periods. Also known as Vitex, recent studies indicate it may be useful in restoring a normal estrogen to progesterone balance easing PMS and its symptoms. Vitex is the 3rd herb in the triad of hormone regulation for women. Vitex has effect of stimulating the pituitary to increase progesterone. Regulating progesterone and estrogen are key in female hormone regulation. Recent studies indicate it may be useful in restoring a normal estrogen to progesterone balance easing PMS and its symptoms. Regulating progesterone and estrogen are key in female hormone regulation. It has a strong reputation in the traditional treatment of menstrual abnormalities, PMS, menopausal complaints, and infertility. It is known to stimulate the release of LH and promote Ovulation. It has been known to bring on Ovulation sooner and may help to restore or regulate periods to improve chances of conception. This herb is known to stimulates the release of luteinizing hormone (LH) from the pituitary gland in the brain. This, in turn, promotes ovulation. Chaste tree berry may restore normal periods in women with amenorrhea (lack of menstrual periods)

One of the often used herbs for getting pregnant, Vitex really can work magic. There are several well conducted studies that show this herb to be very effective indeed. You can rest assured that Vitex is not a hormone nor does it have the capabilities to produce hormones in your body. So how does it work its magic then? Vitex has a balancing affect on your hormones, hence why it is not only used to help women get pregnant, but it is also used for women who are going through menopause. Vitex works its wonders via the pituitary gland, helping to create a harmonious balance of progesterone and estrogen. As far as herbs for getting pregnant go, you really can’t pass up on Vitex, it has even been used to help conditions such as fibroids and PCOS or polycystic ovarian syndrome. Vitex is not one of the herbs for getting pregnant that you can expect instant results from though. It has a cumulative effect so you need to persevere with it to allow for its momentum to build. Anywhere between six to sixteen weeks and you should start to experience some results. Things such as a reduction in pms and other hormonal issues along with painful and irregular periods are some areas you can expect improvement. All these improvements will add to your chances of getting pregnant as you improve your reproductive health.Vitex is one of the most powerful herbs for women’s fertility and menstrual health. There are numerous studies and testimonials of Vitex and it’s effects on the body. One of the reasons Vitex is so effective and popular is because of its ability to balance hormones while not containing hormones itself. Vitex supports hormonal balance in the body by having an effect on the hypothalamic-pituitary-ovarian axis (hormonal feedback loop), correcting the problem at the source. Vitex has been found to help normalize ovulation, improve a short luteal phase and reduce Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS), all known fertility inhibitors. In one study, vitex helped normalize progesterone levels and increased the luteal phase from 5.4 days to 11.4 days. In addition, two double-blind studies show vitex extract increases a woman’s fertility and chances of successful conception. For fertility, Vitex increases luteinizing hormone production while mildly inhibiting the release of follicle stimulating hormone (FSH). This indirectly boosts progesterone production and chances of achieving and maintaining a successful pregnancy. Vitex decreases high prolactin levels, which are associated with breast pain. Prolactin is a hormone that stimulates milk production and breast growth during pregnancy. High levels in the absence of pregnancy are often the result of a very common women’s endocrine’s disorder called hyperprolactinemia. High prolactin levels are also linked to fertility problems. Vitex is an incredible hormone balancer, which adapts to women’s different needs. Vitex has been shown to normalize heavy menstrual bleeding (menorrhagia), relieve amenorrhea (absent menstrual cycle), and decrease polymenorrhea (too frequent periods). Vitex even eases inflammation of the uterus or ovaries, so it’s good choice for women prone to painful fibroids or cysts, too.

Red Clover Red clover is a highly prized herb when it comes to increasing fertility and uterine health. Of all the fertility herbs, red clover is one that is thought to help with irregular menstrual cycles, unexplained infertility and even where there is trouble with the fallopian tubes such as scarring. Some fertility herbs act quickly on certain aspects of your reproductive health but red clover is not one of them. Like vitex, red clover takes some time to impact on your fertility so implement this as part of a change in your lifestyle and an investment into a fertile future.Red Clover is a natural alternative to hormone replacement therapy for relief from hot flushes, vaginal dryness and other symptoms of menopause Red Clover contains isoflavone compounds that can help promote breast and uterine health. Chemical analysis shows that the herb is rich in coumestans and isoflavones, estrogenlike compounds that may promote fertility, particularly in women who are deficient in estrogen. One study tested 150 herbs and found that red clover was in the top six both for estrogen receptors and for progesterone receptors. Another source of isoflavones, red clover flowers may also help to alleviate breast pain, hot flashes and infertility. Red Clover Blossoms are rich in estrogen-like compounds and may promote fertility in women who have low estrogen levels. It may also help to regulate hormone levels for women trying to conceive. One of the ways that red clover aids in fertility is that it acts similar to estrogen, an essential hormone in the female reproductive process. When red clover is ingested correctly, it contains isoflavones, plant-derived chemicals that seem to produce effects on the body that are similar to the effects of estrogen. Toni Wechsler, a fertility expert, explains that an estrogen surge causes follicles to get ready for ovulation, until one egg bursts though and ovulation occurs.

The effects of red clover on infertility are remarkable. Red Clover is believed to have compounds that are help promote hormonal balancing, thereby increasing the chance for fertility. Much of red clover's effect on the female reproductive system is attributed to its compounds called isoflavones and phystoestrogens. Phytogen works by binding to the estrogen receptors in your body to produce a physiological response. Isoflavones help in regulating the levels of estrogen in the body, and this promotes hormonal balancing, thereby increasing the chance for fertility.Studies on plants with known concentrations of isoflavones or chemically pure isoflavones suggest that these compounds both have positive and negative effects on disease progression and fertility. In some countries, phytoestrogenic plants have been long used the treatment of menstrual problems menopausal symptoms and for fertility problems. Isoflavones are said to work in an adaptogenic way, this means that when estrogen levels decline, isoflavones mimic some of the effects of estrogen. Red Clover restores and balances hormonal function. Red Clover contains isoflavones (estrogen-like compounds) which promote estrogen production and which may enhance fertility in women and boost estrogen levels in women with estrogen deficiencies. In addition, the Red Clover contains calcium and magnesium which can relax the nervous system and improve fertility.

Sage Sage helps restore the hormonal balance for irregular, heavy or painful menstrual cycle and female infertility. Combined with Dong Quai, it is used to regulate suppressed menstrual flow. As a tonic, balancing and regulating effect on female hormones, as well as enduring support to the emotions, Sage has historically been used for relieving premenstrual tension in women. Traditionally sage helps regulate and relieve female complaints associated with hormonal imbalance, such as irregular menses, menopausal symptoms, headache, and nausea. Sage has one of the longest histories of use of any culinary or medicinal herb. Ancient Egyptians used it as a fertility drug (Bown, 1995). Sage helps balance estrogen levels and can aid with infertility issues.

Licorice is commonly known as a food item but scientists have also identified estrogen- and progesterone-like qualities. This plant contains hormonally active compounds categorized as saponins. A Japanese study found licorice-based medicines improved menstruation in women with infrequent periods. The study also found that licorice helped women with elevated testosterone and low estrogen levels, as commonly occurs in polycystic ovary disease. Licorice is commonly known as a food item but scientists have also identified estrogen- and progesterone-like qualities. In ancient China, people used licorice to enhance love and lust. Licorice improves menstruation in women who have infrequent periods. It also helps women who have high testosterone and low estrogen levels, which is characteristic of PCOS. Artificially flavored licorice candy will not appreciably alter human hormone levels, but natural licorice foods have been used for centuries to treat endocrine imbalances. The NIH states that women using licorice supplements may experience an increase in levels of the sex hormones estrogen and prolactin, both of which decline during and after menopause. Licorice root may help restore regular ovulation in women who have irregular periods. Licorice root has effects similar to estrogen and progesterone, which may correct hormone imbalances to allow for conception to occur. Only use licorice root in the first half of your menstrual cycle, prior to ovulation. Polycystic ovarian syndrome, or PCOS, is a common cause of female infertility. PCOS is associated with conception difficulties such as absent ovulation, excess production of prolactin and androgens. According to the National Institutes of Health, licorice root is sometimes used in herbal supplements to treat PCOS. Your liver regulates sexual function and hormones, including those affecting fertility. Licorice root may detoxify the liver, clearing out impurities that may be causing blocked energy and hormone imbalances. According to the Pacific College of Oriental Medicine, the practice of traditional Chinese medicine holds that stress can clog the liver, leading to infertility and other female health problems. According to Medline Plus, women suffering from a hormonal disorder known as polycystic ovary syndrome sometimes use licorice root in an herbal form called Shakuyaku-kanzo to help increase fertility thanks to the herb's estrogen-like effects. In addition, licorice root might increase cervical mucus production.

Mexican Yam Wild Yam can increase progesterone production. This can increase progesterone production for those with short luteal phases. It is sometimes recommended for hormone replacement therapy during menopause. Mexican Yam has long been considered an herb to help with women’s issues. In 1936, it was discovered to contain diosgenin, a chemical used to create synthetic progesterone and the hormone DHEA. It is sometimes recommended for hormone replacement therapy during menopause. Wild Yam contains natural progesterone and may increase the production of progesterone. Wild Yam would be used during the second half of the cycle (the Luteal Phase) when progesterone is important for implantation to occur and to be maintained. Women suffering from infertility of fertility problems often turned to wild yam as the perfect solution. This plant has been used for years as the fertility aid, and 10 to 20 drops of wild yam solution, used from the first day of the cycle to the ovulation are said to increase fertility in women. This use has not been supported by the scientific studies, and none show any improvement in fertility during the treatment with wild yam. However, just the fact that this herb regulates menstrual cycles, hormones and some PMS symptoms may be sufficient to aid in infertility. Wild yam is one of the most widely used natural fertility medications in the world. Like false unicorn root, it helps to regulate the female reproductive cycle, which increases fertility. It also helps to balance the progesterone to estrogen hormone ratio, which helps to regulate hormone production.

False Unicorn commonly used for menstrual pain and irregularities. Used by Native American women to deter miscarriage, it is still widely used to treat a variety of problems unique to the female reproductive system. The root contains steroidal saponins which are precursors of estrogen. This herb may normalize the luteal phase in women, making them useful for infertility which is associated with failure to ovulate. False unicorn root is a time-honored remedy for a whole panoply of uterine and menstrual problems. Beneficial effects on the female reproductive system include uterine tonic, to prevent miscarriage, to curb morning sickness. folklore reputation as a treatment for infertility in both men and women. Native Americans and subsequently European physicians believed that false unicorn stimulates the uterus, promoting menstruation. It was used for dysmennorhea (painful menstruation), amenorrhoea (absent mensturuation), and irregular menstruation, as well as infections of the female genital tract. Some contemporary herbalists claim that false unicorn can help “balance” the female reproductive system, normalizing hormone levels and optimizing ovarian action. On this basis, they recommend it for preventing miscarriages and treating infertility, PMS, dysmennorhea, pelvic inflammatory disease, and morning sickness.

It is used for amenorrhea, dysmenorrhea, endometriosis, hormonal imbalance (balancing effect), infertility, morning sickness, ovarian cysts, spermatorrhea, threatened miscarraige, uterine prolapse. It is a tonic for the reproductive organs, expecially beneficial as an aid to getting pregnant and staying pregnant, has a normalizing effect upon the ovaries. Used in infertility caused by dysfunction in follicular formation in the ovary. Eases ovarian pain and vaginal dryness. False unicorn helps regulate the ovulation part of the female reproductive cycle. This can help treat infertility associated with the failure to ovulate. It may also increase the muscle tone in the uterus.

  • This herb is recognized as a valuable tonic to the reproductive system, mainly but not exclusive to women.
  • False unicorn seems to have a "normalizing" effect on the female reproductive system, encouraging a regular menstrual cycle.
  • False unicorn has a reputation for improving fertility mainly in women.
  • False unicorn is believed to be effective in treating amenorrhea.
  • It is also noted for its ability to relieve the symptoms of morning sickness.
  • It is used as an herbal remedy for many symptoms associated with menopause.
  • False unicorn may help improve low sex drive in some women.
  • False Unicorn is commonly used to treat menstrual abnormalities and other complications arising from imbalance of female hormones and and it has been used traditionally to treat menstrual cramps.
  • It appears to improve the secretory responses and cyclical functions of the ovary and appears to have a beneficial action on that organ.
  • While most uses of false unicorn is recognized as beneficial to women, False unicorn can be equally beneficial for men, and is believed to be useful in the treatment of impotence.

Squaw Vine was used for many years by Native Americans for irregular menstruation. Sqaw Vine was used for many years by Native Americans for irregular menstruation and balancing female hormones. Squaw vine is used for female hormone balance, mild mood changes, cramps, and edema associated with the menstrual cycle, menopause and hot flashes. An evergreen herb, it contains significant amounts of the amino acid tryptophan, which is known for its calming effects. Squaw vine relieves congestion in ovaries and uterus, restores menses and promotes fertility. Squawvine may also be used for the relief of painful menstrual periods. As an astringent, it has been used in the treatment of colitis. The herb is taken for painful menstruationand to tone the prostate. It is also said to help promote fertility and to increase the flow of mother's milk. Furthermore, squawvine is recognized by practitioners of alternative medicine for its effectiveness as a diuretic. It is used to treat such urinary conditions as suppression of urine. Squaw vine is also a remedy for diarrhea, shrinking tissues, muscle spasms, and nerves. Use it for sexual debility, infertility, and to balance hormones. It increases milk production in nursing mothers and is excellent during menopause, as it supplies many steroidal precursors (building blocks for production of sex hormones). It nourishes and strengthens the reproductive system. It is so valued in India that its name (shatavari) means "who possesses a hundred husbands."

Blessed Thistle Blessed thistle can help the body to ovulate more often and is also purported to normalize the menstrual cycle in women with irregular periods. The herbs emmenagogue action (promotes menstrual discharge) aids in balancing of female hormones. Blessed Thistle has long been used by women around the world as a hormonal balancing agent. It is an excellent herbal source of potassium and sodium. It is used to help balance female problems such as dysmenorrhea and amenorrhea. Blessed thistle can also be used to boost fertility before a breast milk supply is ever needed. Like wild yams, Blessed Thistle can bring hormones back into proper balance increasing healthy ovulation cycles. A common use is to stimulate a lapsed period back into healthy cyclic function. It is also an anti-inflammatory, which serves to calm swelling within the body that can cause blockages.Blessed Thistle is considered a natural hormone balancer that supports "female health."

Red Raspberry Raspberry Leaf is most popular as a tonic for pregnancy and labor, but is it also excellent as a nutritive and tonic in preparation for pregnancy. The herb contains a number of beneficial components including flavonoids, tannin and the minerals magnesium, iron, manganese and calcium. It has been used for women’s health in supporting normal menstrual cycles as well as for gastrointestinal disorders, cardiovascular health and respiratory problems. Raspberries have been used for centuries by women to help during pregnancy.
Red Raspberry contains a number of beneficial components including flavonoids, tannin and the minerals magnesium, iron, manganese and calcium. It has been used for women’s health in supporting normal menstrual cycles as well as for gastrointestinal disorders, cardiovascular health and respiratory problems. This herb is used as a uterine tonic. While this herb does not affect ovulation it does cause mild uterine contractions therefore toning the uterus. The more toned a uterus is the more likely that it will be able to carry a fetus to term. Rasberry leaves are high in Carotenoids, citric acid, tannins,vitamin A, B complex, C, and E. They also have an easily assimilated form of iron, calcium, phosphorus, potassium and silica.

For fertility problems, this herb may be helpful for the following conditions where there is menstrual bleeding issues or uterine weakness present. It is best used to help heal and prepare for pregnancy.

-Recurrent Miscarriage: If you have experienced miscarriage due to uterine weakness. It’s constituent fragrine is an alkaloid that helps to tone the muscles of the pelvic region, including the uterus. This is a wonderful action for improving uterine health where there is uterine weakness present. This may help prevent miscarriage when used in preparation for pregnancy.

-Heavy Menstrual Bleeding: The astringent properties of this herb help to prevent hemmorage and stop heavy bleeding. Red Raspberry leaves help prevent hemmorage after miscarriage or childbirth. It is also high in iron which may help prevent anemia due to heavy menstrual bleeding.

-Poor Egg Quality/Nutritional Deficiency:
This herb is very nutritive and may help to boost overall nutrition.

-General Preparation for Pregnancy: If you are thinking of trying to get pregnant this herb may be a great ally for preparing your uterus and boosting overall nutritional intake.

-Uterine Trauma: If you have had surgery to remove fibroids, endometrial tissues, cysts or have had uterine prolapse, previous uterine hemmorage or a Cesarean section this herb may help your recovery and healing of the uterus. The toning effect of Red Raspberry leaf helps the uterus to recover more quickly.

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