Heliconia bihai cv. Lobster Claw One
“Lobster Claw Heliconia”

         Heliconia is a genus of plants related to bananas and gingers that come from the tropical Americas and some Pacific islands. With more than 200 species, they come in all shapes, colors and sizes, erect, pendant, distichous or spiral flower types.

Heliconia bihai is a tropical plant originated on the tropical americas, in where it grows about 2-3m tall with huge colorful flowers that make a full color variation as they develop. In fact, all those colors come from their bracts, since the real flower petals and sepals are whitish in color. If pollinated they produce bright blue fruits (see picture) which contain a couple of seeds.

         Heliconia are excellent house or greenhouse plants, which will last when on flower for several months full of color. Many times with flowers all year long reaching a flower size of up to 50cm.

Culture: sow the seeds 1–2 in. deep, and 1-2 in. apart, in pots or loose soil apart. Loose, well-drained soil is very important for good germination, but the plants won’t mind growing even on clay soils, a soil pH of 5–6 will give the best results. Plant a month after last frost once soil has warmed up, or in tropical regions, any time of the year. Heliconia are slow growing at first (see seedling photo 2 months old), so keep the seedlings well weeded at all times. Use mild fertilizer to help them up, and when plants are 12 in. high, hill them up with loose soil as you would with potatoes, which will encourage new shoot growths. A plant from seed will be ready to flower in about one year time.



All payments by PAYPAL only, please!

Quarantine Issues: Please check on your custom regulation on imported plants on your country before purchasing. I cannot be hold responsible for item confiscated by your custom. I ship items worldwide!

Please take in note international postal service may take over a month to arrive to you, so be patient for your seeds! You will simply love them when they arrive!

Note: Seeds are packed dry and should be planted upon arrived, the faster the better! Successful germination of seeds and growth of young plants is dependent on the environment you provide for them.



Any Questions please e-mail me.

Here is a normality chart for item arrival times:

Central America  1-2 weeks
South America and North America 3-5 weeks
Europe 4-6 weeks
Africa, Asia and Australia 6-8 weeks

Please contact me after the normality time is over.