Seduction Spell Herbal Blend: 

Sexually Enhancing Aphrodisiacal

Herbal Tea Mix

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Aphrodisiacs, named after the Greek goddess of love Aphrodite, are foods, herbs, spices and drinks that can incite the flame of passion inside of us and boost our sexual prowess in order to better enjoy a lover's embrace.

Since the beginning of time people have searched for different ways to boost sexual desire, restore sexual abilities and even make their lovemaking last as long as possible. Whether it's for yourself or your partner, our signature blend of natural ingredients is sure to bring out your most passionate urges and make your romantic night as steamy as possible.

The main ingredient in this lover's brew is damiana (Turnera diffusa), a New-World shrub that has a long history of use by traditional healers in Mexico and Central America as a relaxant and aphrodisiac because of its ability to energize both male and female sexual organs. 

Damiana's sexually-restorative abilities are well known and often recommended by many herbalists. It can help invigorate both male and female libido and desire by boosting oxygen supply to the genital area. Because of its properties, it is also used to help relieve anxiety and mild depression, especially when there is a sexual aspect to these conditions. Research has supported these claims and shown that damiana's aphrodisiac effects are very effective on "sexually sluggish" individuals [source].

This blend also combines the aphrodesiacal properties of spearmint and rooibos, well known for their ability to also increase blood flow to the sexual organs, enhancing arousal and orgasm for both men and women. 


Rose Petals


The herbal information on this web site is intended for educational purposes only.  These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA.  The information on this web site is not intended to prevent, diagnose, treat, or cure any disease.  Please see a medical professional about any health concerns you have.