Sound of China offers:

Standard guzheng picks made of celluloid.  (Sound of China Item #A04)  The auction is for two sets (8 picks) of guzheng picks, one set includes 4 picks that has 1 pick for the thumb and 3 picks for index, middle and ring finger.  They are well filed with smooth edge.  They can be used as either right hand or left hand set.

The size of the guzheng picks should equal to the first joint of your finger.  Measure the 

first joint of either your index or middle finger, from the joint end to finger tip.  That is the size you 


Sound of China Guzheng Music Promotion Center  Chinesezither.NET is formed by a group of guzheng lovers.  Our goal is to promote the music of guzheng also known as Chinese zither or gu zheng, and as well as the instrument itself.  We work closely with instrument makers and musicians to bring most updated music and instruments.  We offer quality and affordable instruments, textbooks, music CD/VCD/DVDs.  The price of our products are based on their cost, shipping, custom clearing and minimal mark-up enough to cover our Maintenance cost.  There is no excess mark-up.  Our goal is to promote the guzheng instrument and music.  To us guzheng lovers, the worst thing is to see people blocked away by high price or low quality awful-sounded instruments and music.  

We have large, medium, small three types of nails, when buying, please note you need to model, or we will simply send large nails, thank you for your understanding (large size for adult use, number of children aged 8 to 10 use, small children under the age of 7)