You will receive stones similar to the ones pictured, but they all vary in size and markings (all are between 1-2". All are beautiful! Stones will come in an organza bag with their ID card explaining the healing properties of each stone.  I highly recommend cleansing and recharging the stones when they reach you to work at their full potential.

Raw Stone Set for Healing, Reiki use, Meditation or for the collector. Beautiful gift set with all of the necessary stones for healing in one set. Comes with seven rough crystals: Clear Quartz, Rose Quartz, Amethyst, Orange Calcite, Red Jasper, Blue Quartz, Green Quartz and an Identification card stating what each stone is useful for. 

Stones in the first two pictures were taken damp, as to show the full color of each stone. 
Each stone is approximately one inch or bigger.

Amethyst~ Protection, Purification, A primary healing stone, Amethyst will lead you in the right direction. It is a very powerful and protective crystal, and is a first choice of many metaphysicians. Amethyst was used in ancient times to recover from both physical addictions as well as addictive relationships, and became known as the “Stone of Sobriety”. A natural stress reliever, Amethyst can encourage inner strength. Amethyst connects the physical plane with higher realm, making it a good choice when working with the Third Eye Chakra. Amethyst opens and activates the Crown Chakra as well, allowing easier access to the divine. Enhances spiritual awareness and spiritual wisdom, promoting a higher state of consciousness.

Quartz~ Power, Protection, Harmony, Balance and Energy. All around healing stone. Brings good luck. Quartz is a nice addition to one's medicine bag. Use Tumbled Clear Quartz when working with the Crown and/or Third Eye Chakras, for meditation, or just about anything!
The "Stone of Power", Quartz amplifies energy and intention. Using clear quartz can help to raise consciousness towards enlightenment and to purify on all levels. Extremely popular metaphysically, Clear Quartz is known as the "Master Healer" of the mineral kingdom, with it's very high vibration, and is the most versatile healing stone among all crystals. Quartz is said to be the most powerful healing stone of the mineral kingdom, able to work on any condition.

Rose Quartz~ One of the most important stones for Heart Chakra work, Rose Quartz opens the heart to all types of love - love of self, love of family, love of friends, romantic love. Because it is quartz, Rose Quartz does have a high energy, but its vibe is also calming and soothing. Rose Quartz opens the heart to compassion for self and for others, and raises self-esteem. Rose Quartz eases guilt and balances emotions, lowering stress and bringing peace. Use Rose Quartz to enhance positive self-affirmations.

Green Quartz~ Working with the Heart Chakra, Green Quartz has a healing effect when worn or carried. Use Green Quartz to help transmute negative energies into positive ones. Green Quartz is also known to attract prosperity and success and to stimulate one’s creativity.

Blue Quartz~ Blue Quartz works mostly with the Throat and Third Eye Chakras and is a wonderful addition to any medicine bag. Blue Quartz is a soothing and calming stone, bringing a relaxing, peaceful vibe to any situation. Promotes peacefulness and calms the mind.

Red Jasper~ Nurturing, grounding and stabilizing, red jasper will help control your intense passionate nature. Many use Red Jasper as a calming stone and to stimulate the Root Chakra. Some Native American cultures consider Red Jasper to symbolize the blood of the Earth, making it particularly sacred. Red Jasper is full of grounding Earth energy. Red Jasper can connect one deeply to the vibrations of the Earth, bringing a greater understanding of the necessity of natural events. 

Orange Calcite~ Creativity, Joy, Energizing~ Orange Calcite helps integrate the spiritual realm with the physical body, enhances creativity, and is helpful when working with emotional issues. Use Orange Calcite to energize and cleanse the lower chakras. Orange Calcite works especially well with the Sacral Chakra to enhance the will and remove depression. Meditating with Orange Calcite can bring insights into the causes of apathy or lethargy, allowing one to take back control over one’s life. Orange Calcite’s vital energy can serve as a catalyst for the release of past traumas that have been holding you back, allowing for optimism and joy to come in.

Healing crystal meanings are meant as spiritual supports to healing and are not healthcare advice or prescriptions. Use the crystal meanings to help find your own inner truth; what is best and right for one is not necessary so for another. Some crystals and formations have long-standing traditional uses and properties while others may have newer discoveries of uses or properties. Follow the guidance and wisdom of the Divine and of your higher self when working with crystals.

The items offered on this website are for curio purposes only. I provide the tools, you make the magick happen! No guarantees or warranties are implied or claimed regarding their healing, magical, psychic or health powers, virtues, genuineness, effectiveness, or whether or not any specific result will be obtained. 
Nothing listed is intended to diagnose physical or psychological conditions, prescribe or perform medical treatment, or interfere or substitute with the treatment of medical or other professionals.
The information provided herein, and the items sold by me@ Enchanted Galaxy, are provided and sold with the understanding that I do not have the intention of giving medical, psychological, or any other type of professional advice, nor is the information contained on this website or the items sold meant to be a replacement for traditional professional advise and treatment.

Reiki ~ Chakras ~ Raw Crystals ~ Rough Crystals ~ Crystal Healing ~ Healing Stones ~ Crystal Properties ~ Grid ~ Altar ~ Elements ~ Wiccan ~ Pagan ~ Ritual ~ Rough Stones ~ Gemstones ~ Beginners stones ~ Raw Stones