Super Grade Wild Brunei Darussalam Agarwood

Beautifully fragrant agarwood from Brunei, not quite as resinous as other super grade i have, but the smell is extremely good, light at first with heavy creamy notes like a super sandalwood, then evolves into a heavier incense note typical of high grade agarwood.
It has a lovely scent after burning, uplifting yet calming, one of those woods that you can feel the effect of, the increased focus and clarity that good agarwood often gives.

Agarwood has a myriad of benefits including:
  • It is an effective tonic, aphrodisiac, diuretic, relieves epilepsy, antimicrobial, carminative, ad anti-asthmatic. In fact, agarwood oil is the most potent aphrodisiac of all the essential oils.
  • Useful in nervous disorders, digestive, bronchial complaints, smallpox, rheumatism, illness during and after childbirth, spasms in the digestive and respiratory systems, fevers, abdominal pain, asthma, cancer, colic, diarrhoea, nausea, regurgitation, weakness in the elderly, shortness of breath, chills, general pains and cirrhosis of the liver. It also acts as a director or focuser for other medicines. Agarwood oil has been used as a treatment for lung and stomach tumours.
  • The oil is used in Malaysia to flavour curries and Taiwan uses Agarwood as an aromatic ingredient in their local wines.
  • Valerian is a natural component of agarwood resin and functions to relieve insomnia and calm the nervous system before sleep, allowing one to have a deeper, longer sleep.
  • Aromatherapy: Agarwoods ability to invoke a deep sense of relaxation makes it extremely useful in any aromatherapy session, but is especially effective where anxiety and depression are present.
  • It is non-sticky and can be applied directly to the skin or can be thinned in jojoba oil. This is one of the most precious and expensive of essential oils and is truly amazing. Connoisseurs of essential oils should experience it. You only need to use a tiny amount of this oil at a time; be prepared for the slow release of its aroma over the next 12 hours. There is no other known oil that is this tenacious.
  • It has long been an olfactory prize for discerning noses. Agar oil, is highly valued and universally prized as ‘Otto of Roses”.
  • Some European perfume houses especially seek out Agar oil to create heavier muskier perfume that have enhanced Agars demand, and thereby carved a special niche market for these agar dependant perfumes.
  • Agar Oil also has therapeutic uses as it is used in a large number of Ayurvedic medicines. Interestingly agar is also used to flavour common and widely used betel nut.
  • Agarwood is highly psychoactive. It is used for a spiritual journey, enlightenment, clarity and to bring the deep peace necessary for meditation. It brings communication with the transcendent, refreshing the mind, body and spirit. It is said that prayers arise with the fragrant smoke of agarwood incense carry the prayer to the Creator. Buddhists use agarwood for transmutation of ignorance. Tibetan monks use it to bring energy to calm the mind and spirit. The Sufis and Japanese Shaman use agarwood oil in their esoteric ceremonies. It enhances mental clarity, opens the third eye and all of the upper chakras while calming the entire system.

f you would like a personalized fragrance made, requests are taken and quotes can be given.

The parfum I make is entirely natural, made from essential oils, absolutes, agarwood oil, musk and balms, it is traditional in scent and does not resemble the modern alcohol based perfumes, so if you are requesting scents that smell like Givenchy or Dolce this may not be the best place to ask, however if you want a natural smelling scent with elements of nature that changes over time you have come to the right place.

Long lasting natural perfume oils are always available on my page, 99% of all perfume you encounter these days are synthetic and contain harmful chemicals, these synthetic aroma chemicals often have negative effects on the body and mind, whereas natural oils are the opposite, they tend to have healing effects and help stabilize the mood.
The synthetic aroma chemicals are extremely cheap and easy to mass manufacture and again the opposite is true for the natural oils, they are time consuming to make and are usually quite expensive, hence the higher price, but you can always be assured you are getting quality when buying my attar, i will always state if it is natural or not or whether it is a pure single ingredient or a blend.

All parcels are currently being shipped from Ireland and usually take 3 to 5 days to reach their destination, please allow up to 14 days before messaging me as there can be postal delays beyond my control.

Please message me before opening cases too, the matter can always be resolved better this way.

Disclaimer: Please be aware these scents are made with essential oils and absolutes, most are undiluted ans may be sensitive on the skin, if in doubt try a small patch first or dilute it in a carrier oil.

Most of my parfum contains deer musk which is an animal product, care is take where I source this so that it is sustainable and ethical.

Combined postage is accepted only on buy now items, it is not available for auction items.

If you wish to delay payment until you have finished bidding on items over a period of days, this is completely fine, you may want to message me to let me know and then all items can be shipped together, I will add free samples on multiple purchases too.