This is 'Windmill Farm Sidings' A compact N gauge layout in a case measuring just 76x50cmx31cm high.

The layout features a station, goods shed and engine shed as well as a warehouse, cottage, farm and Windmill. All these buildings are illuminated.  The scene blends in to the countryside back drop with sheep, cows figures and vehicles. The layout comes with 8 manual points for the 6 sidings (one hidden at the back) and a loop (right hand side - partially hidden).

The layout fits in a stylish alloy case which has storage under the layout for your trains and the controller. The case protects the layout from dust and sunlight when not in use.  No trains or controller are included, these are left for you to supply or they can be supplied at extra cost if required. Only small locos, wagons and coaches are suitable for a layout this size.

Some of the many layouts already made and sold can be seen at and on the Facebook page.

I also offer apart build service. The above layout board with track, but no scenery set in a case would cost £450. You can add  scenery to create your own briefcase layout. If you have a train set, I can provide a case and baseboard to fit what you have, allowing you to build a cased scenic layout from your own train set. I can customise what I provide to suit your needs and budget. Let me know your requirements for a free no obligation quote.

In preparation for Spring next year is a layout this size with similar track design, but with continental buildings and the Faller cable car set (232372). This can be pre-ordered and paid for monthly as the build progresses.