Info about Mica Schist

Mica has protective properties and resonates at a high rate, allowing for the easy flow of the spirit. It brings about awareness of the higher self and is reported to allow for contact with faeries and angels.

Those that have an insurmountable problem are often able to see the way to solve it by carrying mica, as it helps with problem solving, inspiration and stimulates the brain to work better. It allows for self-reflection and helps bring about self-confidence.

Mica banishes negativity and eases tension. It encourages creativity and also unconditional love and acceptance for situations including family and friends. Place it in the home on a bookshelf or end table. Some specimens are very beautiful and make for great conversation pieces. They will enhance positive energy and harmony in the home.

It is the reflection stone. It allows one to reflect on their past and present situations and gives one the opportunity to both acknowledge and eliminate any traits one wishes to detach from. Mica provides for clarity in visions and self-reflection. It can be used during fasting times to help reduce hunger, provide energy, relieve dehydration, bring sparkle to the eyes, sheen to the hair, as well as, help in situations of insomnia and excessive sleep.

Mica facts: 

-Viking Age was based on carving of relatively soft but massive mica schist.

-The fabled North Cape itself is, technically, a mica-schist cliff emerging from the sea.

Mica enhances flexibility in all situations, helping us eliminate anger, tantrums and nervous energy. It helps release energy blocks within the body and align the chakras. Mica can be used for clarity in visions.

Since a very young age I have been attracted to Crystals and Faeries! I now have my own business making and selling Faery dresses and Arctic Faery quartzite (Caledonian orthoquartzites at Mårnes- near Bodø, Nordland or Norwegian Crystallites) and stones which I am very passionate about!!  I love to go quartz hunting in Mårnes, a high-purity quartzite quarry in Gildeskål municipality, on the beautiful island of Sandhornøy in the Arctic Norway.  These stones are handpicked by me personally in a place called Oksdalen (Bull Valley directly translated) on the Arctic island Sandhornøy in Norway. Oksdalen is an old sacred site by the foot of the mountain Sandhornet (993m). It has been used for gatherings of people for thousands of years. The island has through time had both Sami and Viking settlements and is at this day filled with historical places and founding.

These stones lay next to 60 000 years old shells coming from the 30 meter higher water level under the last Ice Age!

The ocean is nowadays several kilometres away!

All these stone beings are selected by me through a very long process, I spend time with these beings, meditate with them to understand which one wants to go and leave this place to bring healing and blessings to their new homes and owners, and bless them with an old Sami shamanic sacred rite on my faery altar before having them ready to leave the Arctic :) I've been trained and initiated as a Faery Shaman in the Arctic Sweden, the land where I come from, so for me this ceremony has a deep and profound meaning! 

Stones are alive that you can actually see them vibrate under magnification. 

No other stone does this…the Faerie divine ‘sleeps’ in them.

Hope the beauty of these stone beings, growing under the pitch black winters with their Aurora Borealis, the Midnight Sun that never sets during summers and the crystal clear unpolluted waters, can bring peace, warmth, unconditional love and joy into your life!

In the images you can see the fjords and beaches where I collect quartz and rocks!

Please note this item will be shipped from an island in the middle of the Arctic Ocean in Northern Norway, so it could take up to two weeks for you to receive. We cannot track parcels as it is highly expensive from here (over 40£). But if you want the item to be tracked then please contact us prior so we can give you an exact estimate and send you a total!

Thank you.