A complete set of the Warhammer 40k Dark Vengeance game from Games Workshop. For those that aren't familiar it's basically a starter set for the Warhammer 40k world of warring factions.
-Because Dark Vengeance annoyingly does not have any kind of game board with the box set I have included a set of Sci-Fi Scenic's Gothic Ruins also nicely painted up to compliment it (-picture 2).

For larger more detailed pictures of this set, copy and paste the below link or type in 'EllistonArt painted miniatures' on Flickr: 


With this set you are getting a full set of 49 nicely painted miniature figures. The higher cost is due to over a week it took me to carefully paint them all up. The pictures are fairly clear as to what you're getting but here is a brief summary: 

1) 49 well painted figures.
2) A full working set of Dark Vengeance unused. 
3) A complete set of Sci-Fi Scenic's Gothic Ruins scenery painted & ready to use with game.
4) ALL my items are packed carefully so nothing moves in transit or gets damaged.  
5) Most of the figures are simply clipped together but from time I had to glue the odd piece because it would either keep falling off or not quite join up without leaving a gap...This does not effect the gameplay!
6) UK postage paid for...Outside UK I'm using the eBay global shipping program-a bit slower but cheaper all round.