This stunning Gorham sterling silver match safe is from the Victorian era, 1890-1909. The beautiful repoussé depicts an Indian chief full faced, with a wonderful expression and feather headdress, hammers, shields, and related dress and decorations. The purity mark of B 2507 is visible on the reverse of this match safe.

The Gorham Manufacturing Company is one of the largest American manufacturers of sterling and silverplate. It was founded in Providence, Rhode Island in the year of 1831 by Jabez Gorham, a master craftsman in partnership with Henry L. Webster. The firm products were silver spoons of coin silver, combs, jewelry, thimbles, and later larger sterling and silver-plate.

This elegant fine match safe is in excellent condition with a top that opens and closes tight. The old Gorham trademark logo stamp as “B2507” is seen on the reverse part of the match safe in addition to a monogram GLA. The striker is conveniently situated on the bottom.
It measures 70 mm x 40 mm x 10 mm and weighs 34.83 grams.