This is a great Vintage 1980 Ibanez Artist AR50 . These are incredible guitars. set neck, serious chunky solid body. with
the really nice cream binding. cream pick-ups. I believe these to be be Super 70's Humbuckers. There is also some very nice headstock scroll
work..  The guitar plays and sounds amazing..  The guitar has a very high quality craftsmanship, made in Japan. These guitars are built
like a Gibson...  These are incredible bargain instruments for what your getting... 
Okay, The guitar is well worn, checking, scratches and dings, There was a previous coil tap that was closed.. The tuners are upgraded to grovers.
The truss rod cover is changed..the knobs...
Overall, The guitar has wear and tear, but this is a monster cool guitar. Great player and great quality... 

This is an as is with no warranty..  No Returns,  This is described to the best of my knowledge. Please take this into consideration...

Overall, Great instrument. comes with Original Ibanez case , But the case is made for a Les Paul. so it fits, but not a perfect fit...Protects the guitar great...
I has this priced to sell...Add 20 for West Coast, FL, WA TX