The Kits lights up to the sequence shown in the movies and the speed can be controlled by a variable resistor for a personal touch to your pack. The circuit board itself will mount inside the Power cell and is 9.5cm high (Including LEDs) by 9.5cm wide. You could mount the board with Plasticine or Blue-tak easily enough.

It is made from the following:

A Printed Circuit Board (High quality professionally produced)
19 Ultra Bright White LED’s
19 x 470 ohm Resistors
20 x 10K Resistors
1 x 47K Resistor
1 x 47K Variable Pot Resistor
18 x Transistors
1 x 1uF, 1 x 10uF, 1 x 0.1uF Capacitors
1 x 555 Chip, 1 x 4017 chip, 2 x 4015 chips
Lots of wire

The Kit comes with a toggle switch, about 10 feet (x2) of wire to connect it to the Particle Thrower and a Battery clip for a 9V Battery (I have 4 packs using this kit and the battery has lasted a long time). The toggle switch is not soldered yet as you will need to thread them through your packs (The wires can be simply twisted together but I recommend soldering if you can).

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