Hair Glory is a nutritional supplement that provides essential vitamins and minerals needed to maintain and promote a healthy hair growth.

Health experts agree that eating a well-balanced diet that contains essential vitamins can help maintain the health of your hair.


  • Vitamin A – gives significant boost to hair growth and helps prevent greasy scalp. It also reduces occurrence of overall hair damage making hair silkier and manageable.
  • Vitamin C – loaded with anti-oxidant properties and helps promote healthy scalp. Vitamin C reduces the damage that is caused by free radicals that are formed when food is converted into energy by the body. These free radicals can do a lot of damage to your hair. We need to make sure that we have enough of this vitamin in our diets to help prevent such damage. Vitamin C helps produce collagen, which is necessary for healthy skin, bones, ligaments, muscles and blood tissues. It is essential for healthy teeth and bones, and hair.
  • Vitamin D – allows for calcium to be processed for the human body, triggers the regrowth process of damaged skin cells, including those in the scalp, and allows for regeneration of cells vital to hair growth. It has been shown to be very important in activating stem cells in hair follicles. Benefits of Vitamin D includes:
    • activates the cells within the hair shaft
    • improves the look and feel of the growing hair
    • stimulates and nourishes the hair follicle. Vitamin D receptors (VDRs) have an important contribution to the follicle growth cycles. According to scientific research, inactive vitamin D receptors in mice always resulted in hair loss
    • stimulates hair growth. Vitamin D reversed hair loss in mice, and cancer patients who have lost hair due to chemotherapy reported significant improvements after the use of vitamin D supplements.
  • Vitamin E – reduces formation of free radicals from exposure to UV rays, promoting the healing process, strengthening the skin’s barrier function, protecting the skin barrier’s lipid balance, and reducing water loss.
  • Vitamin K – improves your skin, prevent wrinkle, reversing bone loss and osteoporosis and promotes hair growth. Deficiency of Vitamin K can lead to significant hair loss.
  • Niacin – helps maintain healthy hair growth by improving blood flow to the scalp and improve the look of skin. A healthy scalp is crucial for healthy hair growth. You may be able to improve hair and nails with Niacin. Because of its circulation-boosting properties, Niacin boosts not only the thickness of hair strands but nail strength and thickness too.
  • Vitamin B-6 – helps maintain healthy hair. Dermatological Research found that high-doses of vitamin B-6 helped prevent hair loss during chemotherapy treatment in mice. A Polish study published in 2001 in Wiadomosci Lekarskie found that intravenous vitamin B-6 helped improve hair condition and prevented hair loss in a group of women dealing with diffuse alopecia, or hair loss.
  • Folic Acid – aids in tissue growth and helps the cells work properly. Folic acid also helps even the scalp and hair follicles function properly resulting in a healthy scalp and hair follicles that are able to grow a healthy head of hair. Folic acid also helps regenerate the cells that grow hair.
  • Vitamin B-12 – Vitamin B-12 is essential in forming DNA, nerves and red blood cells. Without properly formed red blood cells, not enough oxygen can be carried. A lack of oxygen can cause hair to grow slowly or fall out.
  • Biotin – promotes healthy hair growth and prevents hair dryness. Biotin also increases the elasticity of cortex of a hair to prevent and minimize hair breakage. Biotin helps induce growth of both hair and new skin cells, and making them healthy.
  • Zinc – One chief sign of zinc deficiency is hair loss. Zinc deficiency leads to changes in the protein structure of hair follicles leading to weakening of their structural integrity. Zinc benefits include promotion of cell reproduction, tissue growth and repair of broken tissues. It also maintains the oil-secreting glands that are attached to your hair follicles, thus decreasing their chances of falling off.
  • MSM – as a naturally occurring form of sulfur found in many foods, such as milk, green vegetables and seafood, MSM (Methylsulfonylmethane) provides the sulfur required for healthy collagen and keratin, which are both essential for healthy hair growth. It helps your hair to grow longer by lengthening the growth phase of the hair cycle and delaying the resting and shedding phases of the hair cycle.


Biotin has gained popularity for its role in maintaining healthy hair, but biotin is not the only nutrient that supports hair growth. B vitamins work to support many vital bodily functions and they are better absorbed and produce the best results when taken together. Biotin is most effective when it is taken with zinc. Zinc prevents hair shedding. Some other B vitamins essential in maintaining healthy hair are B-3 (Niacin) for the proper nourishment of hair follicle cells, B-6 (Pyridoxine) to help prevent dandruff, and B-12 (Cobalamin) to help prevent the hair loss.

A balanced diet with an abundance of vitamins and minerals is a must for healthy hair and scalp. Not just one vitamin, but proteins, antioxidants, amino acids and a host of minerals all work together to maintain hair growth. Hair Glory supplies all of the essential minerals and vitamins crucial in maintaining healthy hair in a conveniently packed capsules. Regularly taking Hair Glory with a healthy meal will give you the long desired, beautiful, healthy hair in no time.