Christies Catalogue

Sporting and Wildlife Art

Wednesday 27th November 2013


Dylan Lewis’s Bronzes –

Cheetah chasing buck. Lifesize.   Leopard Bust. Leopard Head. Leopard Head III. Leopard Fragment.

Guy Taplin Bird sculptures – Crow family . Courting Redshanks.  Long Eared Owl and worm.  Sleeping Teal

 Sir Alfred James Munnings – Study of the racehorse Silvo.  Oil on panel

Elie Lambert – Windsor Paddocks

David Shepherd – Animal studies

Barry Jackson – Sculpture. The Great Migration

Sir Peter Markham Scott – Bird studies

John Cyril Harrison – Bird studies

Edmund Havell  Jnr– The Beaufort Hunt at Badminton

Richard Andsell – Setters

John Frederick Herring – Pantaloon



Note re Postage


Regular visitors to my listings will know that I always try to offer affordable postage and am happy to combine additional items to bring the cost down. Earlier this year UK postal costs rose significantly and until now I have been able to absorb them. This is no longer the case so sadly I have had to raise my postage costs.

I am now using Royal Mail’s ‘Printed papers’ service which is still the cheapest way to send  catalogues and I am still happy to combine postage wherever possible ( allowing for the postal service weight bands and restrictions)  to reduce the cost to you.

 I weigh each item before it is listed and only charge the actual amount of postage.

I hope you will understand the need for this rise in costs and please be assured that I continue to strive to offer you the best customer service