Product Information
Capable of producing amazing snapshots and holding onto your memories forever, this Sony a (alpha) 16.1 MP camera is powerful and versatile. With its silver body, the Sony a (alpha) NEX-5R will be a classic platform for preserving memories. This Sony a (alpha) mirrorless interchangeable lens digital camera enables you to view far away landmarks up close with realistic clarity with its 3x optical zoom functionality. Choose how many pictures can be saved thanks to the removable flash memory storage card included with this Sony a (alpha) 16.1 MP camera. Also, the Sony a (alpha) NEX-5R has an LCD screen, therefore you can compose memories without effort. Selecting a camera with a higher number of megapixels means you can crop and enlarge your pictures without having a detrimental effect on the picture's quality. This Sony a (alpha) mirrorless interchangeable lens digital camera helps you to create wonderful enlargements up to 12x18 inches with its large-sized image sensor. Since this Sony a (alpha) 16.1 MP camera includes a special touchscreen, you will be able to set up camera settings and menu selections effortlessly. The HDMI connector included with the Sony a (alpha) NEX-5R allows you to view high-quality pictures on a large television screen with family. With the ample battery life featured on this Sony a (alpha) mirrorless interchangeable lens digital camera, you can continue using it for a long time. This camera kit comes with a body and a 16-55mm lens.